Chapter 17

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(Colsons p.o.v)

I woke up and checked my phone to see the time. It was 10:30. I put my phone up and looked down to see my beautiful girl peacefully asleep. Today is the day she meets my daughter Casey.

I kissed her on the cheek and got ready for the day. After a while Emily came down stairs all dressed.

I walked closer to her a hugged. "Ready for today baby girl"? "What's today"? She asked.

"You are meeting Casey".

She looked up at me surprised. "A-are you s-sure" she stuttered.

"Yes I'm sure" I kissed her lips and we both got ready to leave.

We were in the car on our way to pick up Casey from her mom aka my ex girlfriend. I looked at Emily. And dude, was she nervous. Their should be nothing nervous about it. Casey loves everyone. I know for a faced Casey will love her.

We drove up on the drive way. "Stay right here babe". I got out and got Casey from her mom. I put Casey on the car. "Daddy who is this"? Casey said pointing to Emily.

"Casey, this is my girlfriend Emily. Emily this is Casey my daughter".

"Hi Emily. You are so pretty"!

"Hi Casey, and so are you"!

Through out the whole day me and my two most important girls were busy. We went go the park, got ice cream, went to the movies and now going skating. Also, through out the day Emily has been on her phone.

Talking to who? I honestly don't know but today is the day she met Casey but she's been on the that damn phone. Tonight I will find out why she has been on that damn phone through out the whole. Just hopefully it ain't bad.

After our busy busy day today. I came from upstairs to putting Casey to bed.
I walked into the kitchen to see Emily leaning against the counter on her damn phone again.

"Why have you been on that damn phone all day"? I scared her when I spoke up. She put her phone in her pocket. "S-sorry. My mom has been having problems at home". "Oh, well do you want me to take you home on the morning"? I asked her.

"No no, I wanna stay here. Everything is fine, I was trying to get a update through out the day" she told me. "Okay babe, well it's really late so let's get to bed. Another big day tomorrow with Casey." She smiled. "Okay"

It's three in the morning and I could not go to sleep. I hate when I have nights like this. I heard a phone buzz. I thought it was mine but it wasn't. So me thinking it wasn't a big deal I checked Emily's phone. It was a contact that said 'dork'.

My curiosity was getting the best of me. So I unlocked her phone. And read the messages. And damn, was I hurt and pissed at the same time.

I put her phone down. Got my pillow and a different blanket and went into the guest room. I couldn't help it. I went to sleep crying. Me cry? Yeah right. Well apparently think I'm in love with this girl and she already broke my heart.

(Emily's p.o.v)

I woke up with Colson not next to me. I went down stairs to see Casey and Colson watching Spongebob. Went up and gave Colson and Casey a kiss on the cheek. "Morning babe, morning Casey". "Morning Emily" Casey said. No response from Colson though. He keeper his eyes on the TV. "Well okay I'm going to cook breakfast and after that we'll go on with our day" I told them.

I walked into the kitchen to see my phone going off. It was Justin. We have been taking a lot lately. Maybe a little to much. We're literally vest friends. No feelings towards each other what's so ever.

I was cooking dinner when Colson came in with a expressionless face. "You okay Babe"?

"No. No I'm not okay. All day yesterday and before that you have been on your phone a lot lately. And I believed your little lie till I went through your phone last night. So tell me why in the Fuck do you have fag Bieber as dork in your phone and why the hell are you talking to him. Especially talking to him the way you do. Tell me why!!"

I'm going to be honest. I was scared. Scared of Colson. I don't know what he was capable off. I've never seen him so hurt and pissed off since I've known him. And to top it off he thought it all wrong. Me and Justin are just friends. I would never cheat on Colson. I know I should of told him I was talking to him but I knew it was going to happen like this.

"You got it wrong". I told him

"No haha I don't think I do. You are cheating on me. I trusted you. I have you met my daughter. I fell for you. And you broke me. I knew this was all wrong" he yelled and slammed his fist on the counter.

"B-babe. Me and justin are just friend's. That it. I would never cheat on you. I love you. I love Casey. The way we talk is not bad. It's a friend thing I swear. Please don't do what I think you're gonna do. I would never hurt you I swear. I know I should of told you I was talking to him and I'm sorry for that."

"I don't believe you. I'm not that fucking stupid. We are Fucking done. I want you out. Find your own way home." He then walked out of the house with Casey.

I couldn't cry. I couldn't breathe. Everything was spinning. And then I threw up. After that I picked up the mess. I wasn't going to fight for Colson. It was going to make things worse. So I just left.

I had Justin pick me up and take me to his house.


Sorry I haven't been updating for the past 3 or 4 days. Been busy but I'm back on it. Three more chapters till the book is done. My bad if their is spelling errors. I was kinda in a hurry.

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