Chapter 10

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I'm bored so I mind as well write another chapter. It will be a short one though.

(Emily's p.o.v)

The EST family has been traveling for over a week and I already got sick. I'm so mad at myself. Through out this whole trip I didn't want to get sick. And I hardly ever do. So why now god? Why Fuck it up for me.

Right now we're in Texas. And I'm stuck in a hotel for the day. Colson wants me to stay in a get better as soon as possible.

Colson won't be here today. He'll be gone all day. He has to set up the show and do rehearsals.

Colson sat next to me on the bed and gave me his little lecture.......for the third time.

"Like I said baby girl, you stay in this hotel room. No getting out. You need to get better. No answering the door for no one. I have the key and so does the maid. You need anything just call. I will check up on you hourly to make sure you are okay. Get much sleep as you can and drink water. Oh, and eat some soup and eat bread while you are at it babe".

"Yes farther. I know what to do you told me twice for before" I scuffed at him.

"I'm just trying to make sure baby girl and it's daddy to you" he winked at me.

"Perv" I shoved him a little. "See you later baby girl" he gave me a kiss on the cheek and left.

Now it's nap time.

**2 hours later**

I woke up with my phone buzzing like every minute. I Grabbed my phone next to me and checked it. Is was Colson who was blowing up my phone.

Colson: I should of cancled today. Well besides the show. I hate leaving you there alone.

Colson: I feel like such a dick.

Colson: baby, are you okay?

**missed call from Colson**

Colson: don't play like that man. You're freaking me out.

**missed call from Colson***

**missed call from Colson**

**missed call from Colson**

Colson: babe!!?

Colson: you got me okay! It's not funny anymore.

Colson: if I have to leave to see if you're okay. I will. Anything for you.

**missed call from Colson**

Colson: I'm leaving in a few to check up on you. You're scaring the shit out of me.

This was too cute. I had to text him back before he left.

Me: chill, I fell asleep and I just now heard my phone. Oh and I had to pee.

Colson: Fuck you man! I was about to leave. Almost in tears. The shit you do to me.

Colson: but I'm so glad you're okay. God is with me.

Me: awe. And this is why you are my best friend.

Colson: yeah yeah.

Me: Colson.....

Colson: yes baby?

Me: some guy is yelling and banging on the door asking for you.

Me: now he's threatening me....

Me: he says he knows someone is in here. I'm scared.

Colson: Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck. Babe, hide in the bathroom and lock it. I'm on my way. God damn it I known I should I stayed. Fml. I'm coming baby.

Me: SIKE!!!

Colson: Fuck you......

Me: nah, you're not my type.

Colson: not my type my ass. I'm everyone's type.

Me: big ego you got their baker.

Colson: nah just confident.

Me: you thought.

Colson: WTF man.

Me: I love you too

Colson: Uh, I Uh gotta go. See you after the show.

Me: Uh okay...? Bye...

I was woken up my someone slamming the door shut. I checked my phone to see it was 2:54 am. I got up and walked out of the room into the kitchen to see Kells and some girl practically Fucking on the counter. I covered my eyes.

"Oh my god. I'm sorry sorry. I-I didn't m-m-mean to s-see that. I'll go I'm s-sorry". I walked back I to the room. Sobbing in my hands.

God why am I crying. This is what I'm talking about. Falling for this man. I already have. He doesn't even know that I like him. More then like.

Get over it Emily. Is what I keeped telling myself till I fell back into a deep slumber.

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