Chapter 19

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(Colsons p.o.v)

I sat their frozen. Just looking at the door where Emily walked out of ten minutes ago. She was wrong. I do love her. I love her with everything I have. I love her to the point where I will live for her, die for her. And I treat her like complete shit. And I'm so stupid to Fucking realize that. To the point where she wish I never saved her. That killed me. She hates me. And I fucked up. God damn it!

"Wanna go to your room and have a good time baby" I looked at the blonde half naked chick next to me giving me this smirk.

"Nah man. But what you can do is get the Fuck off of me and get out of my house" I said to her.

"Ah, Fucking jerk" she yelled.

The blonde chick walked out of the room and out of my house.

I leaned forward and put my head into my hand.

I felt someone tapping my back and looked up to see dub. "You okay man"?

"No man. I'm not okay. I fucked up bad bro. I let her explain. But I didn't listen. I didn't look at her point of view. And I kicked her out like nothing, try bringing a bitch in and forget her. But it didn't work. She came here bro, she came back for me to talk to me and I fucked up again. That should of been me man, I should of went to Bieber's house and talk to her bro. I fucked up. She h-hates me d-dude." And I broke down.

I haven't cried in so long and I couldn't hold it in anymore. I broke.....all because of my stupidity.

And I thought of one thing. I haven't thought about it. And now I am. I wanted it. I wanted it soon bad right now. And I was gonna get some. A lot of it. Weed wasn't going to help. I needed something stronger.

"I gotta bro, see ya later" I gave dub the bro hand shake and left.

I got into my car and got my phone out.

Unknown: damn Kells, haven't called in 3 years. What ya need man?

Me: the old shit bro.

Unknown: you sure man. I mean, think about this.

Me: I thought about it man. Now give me some.

Unknown: sighs. Okay bro. Meet me in the ally way by the titty bar in 15.

Me: Ight man bye.

Can't believe I was going at it again. By the time walked in the ally way I seen my old bro jeff leaning against the wall.

I walked up and gave him a few hundred. He gave me my shit. We said our goodbyes and I left.

I got back to the house and walked straight to my room. I had slim and til take Casey to her house. She didn't need to see me like this. All fucked up.

I locked my bedroom door and sat on my bed. Can't believe I was gonna do this after three years. And now I'm gonna collapse. And right now I didn't give no Shits.

I wrapped my arm and stuck the needle in.

After a while I did it again.

And again.

(Emily's p.o.v)

"Hey Emily, come in. Colson is up stairs" rook said.

I was here because I forgot something of mine in Colsons room and I needed it. Justin didn't want me to go myself but I need to go myself. So here I am. Walking into Colsons house.

"Oh, well that's exactly where I needed to go. I left something in his room. Is he, ya know-"

"No he isn't Fucking anyone. He just came home a couple hours ago himself" Rook said.

"Oh well okay". I passed Rook and walked up the stairs in front of Colsons bedroom door.

I knocked. No answer.

I knocked. "Uh, Colson it's Emily. Can I come in I forgot something in there."

I heard a big thump. "Colson"? Still no answer.

I had a bad feeling. I grabbed a pin out of my hair and unlocked the door. The sight I seen was horrible.

I ran to Colson she was on the floor. He was looking at me with so emotion.

"Oh my god Colson. What have you done." I picked him and put is upper half of his body in my lap and started craddiling him.

"SLIM, DUB, ROOK HEEEELP"! I yelled. I was uncontrollably crying and holding Colson tight as I could like he was going to disappear.

I heard foot steps running and all three running in the door. "Shit shit shit I'll call 911" I heard slim say. While the other two sit next to me and tried calling me down.

I looked down to see Colson with tears running down his face. I knew he wanted to talk but the drug wouldn't let him. "Oh baby what did you take"? I looked next to the bed to see what I never thought I would see. Heroine. He Fucking did heroine. I thought he stopped that shit when was getting higher into the fame.

I looked at rook and dub shaking their head. "He overdosed" rook said. "I though he stopped this shit" dub said.

"It's all my fault" I said. I looked at Colson. The seen was heart breaking. He was trying to talking and move to me his hardest. I crawled to Colson and help on to him. While he was looking at me with tears in his eyes.

"It's not your fault. It's no ones. Shit happens Emily. Okay" dub came to me.

"I understand why you did this Colson. You felt shitty because of the words I said. I didn't mean any of it. I don't hate you. I love you. So Fucking much. I should of gave each other more space. This is no ones fault like dub said. And I'm going to stand by your side even if it Kills me. I love you Colson Baker."

The paramedics came in and grabbed Colsons and put him in the ambulance. Slim, dub and door followed while I went in with Colson.

We got to the hospital. Us four had to stay on the waiting room while they did what they had to do with Colson.


One more chapter you guys. Again, no their will not be a sequel. Yes I will make another book. I don't if I will update tomorrow. But I will this Weekend though.

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