Chapter 14

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(Colson p.o.v)

I woke up with the sound of a alarm. I went to my phone a turned it off quickly. I made sure to get up extra early for Emily's surprise Birthday party.

I sat up from the bed and stretched a little. I looked over to shoulder to see my baby girl still sleeping. I am going to make sure today is going to be a amazing day for her. I want to happy.

Also, today is the day I tell her I love her and ask her to be mine. I'm 26 years old and have one kid. I want to be tied down. I want to have a family with her. I know this is crazy. Thinking like this so soon. But god damn it, I love her. I know I do. And I'm for sure I want to be with her for a long time.

After my thoughts I got up and went to take a shower. After I got out of the shower I called Ash to get ready and come over.

You see, Ash is going to spend the day with Emily. Shop or whatever girls do smile me and my boys. Go get shit ready for Emily's surprise Birthday party. I honestly would never do this for a girl besides my daughter Casey.

God, I wish she could I came here and meet Emily. They would get along so well.

I heard a knock on the door. I looked at my phone, it was 8am. Must be Ash. I walked up to the door and answered it. I was correct. She walked and and sat on the kitchen counter.

"Here's 400 dollars. You girls do what girls do. And have her ready down at the main floor at 7pm." I told her.

"Okay Kells. You must like her do you" she asked.

"I love her" I said quietly.

"Don't Fuck this one up Kells. Don't lose this one. You won't find someone like her again".

"I won't. Not this time."

I gave her a quick hug and left the hotel.

(Emily's p.o.v)

I woke up with the light shining in my room. I looked to my side to see Colson not there. Okay then. I got up and took my shower. After I got dressed and out my hair in a messy bun I walked out of the room and into the living room to see Ash, Colsons manager on her phone. Talked to her a few times at some of Colson shows.

I walked up to her "Aye, um do you know where Colson is"?

She turned around and got up from the couch. "Hey Emmy. Oh, Kells had stuff to do today. He'll be back later." She gave me a confused look. "Wait, did you say colson"? She asked

"Uh yeah. When we met, a day later he wanted me to call him Colson".
She started laughing. "Girl, you got that boy raped around your finger. No one calls him Colson anymore.

"Oh" was all I said.

"Well since you're ready. Let's go have some fun". She said.

I followed her out the hotel door.

It's five a'clock now. And we just got back from walking around New York, had Coffee, had lunch. Oh and went to the mall and got a dress and some heels that Ash wanted me to get. Witch I don't know why.

I'm getting ready for who knows what but it's almost seven and we are now at the main floor walking down the hallway to who knows where.

"Ash, you aren't kidnapping or killing me are you"? I asked her.

"Oh please girl. Just walk through the corridors" she said.

"But it's dark

"Their is a light switch inside, now go".

I did as I was told. I walked in a looked to my left to see a couple light switch. I didn't know what one to turn on so I turned all of them on.

"SURPRISE"!!! Everyone jumped out of places and started coming up to me saying happy birthday. Then the music started playing.

After everyone was done greeting me. Witch half of them I didn't know or weed famous. Colson walked up to me.

"This was you"? I asked him

"I had the idea but the EST family helped out baby girl. Go enjoy yourself."

"Okay" I said.

After a while from talking to everyone and dancing. I need to go to the bathroom. I wanted to drink but I wanted go remember this night so I've been drink water for the night. On my way out of the bathroom I bumped into someone.

"I am so sorry" I looked up to see Justin

"Hi" was all he said.

"What the hell you doing here?" I asked kinda pissed off. If Colson seen him here all hell was going to break lose.

"You haven't been answering my DMs on twitter and don't ask how I found out. It's all over twitter. Kells fans are outside. He's not so secret at stuff like this".

"Because I haven't been on. What do you want?" I asked him

"To hang out. To know you. Wanna ditch?".

"Uh no. Colson did this for me".

"Oh come on. He don't care about you Emily. Never did. He's not the type to get tied down. I'll show you." He grabbed my hand and dragged me to where Colson was.

I stopped in my tracks. Colson was a couple yards from me. "You see Emily. I didn't want you hurting. And now look. A beautiful girl like you don't deserve this". Justin said into my ear.

I didn't realize what he was saying because he was just talking to some chick witch was fine with me.

Until......she kissed him and he didn't pull back. It took him a few seconds till he did. He yelled at her and walked towards me. He looked up and stop at his tracks. "Emily it's-"

"It's exactly what it looks like. She kissed you. You didn't push off until a few seconds later." I try holding in my tears.

Colson looked behind to see Justin with his hand raped around my waste. "Don't touch her." Colson clenched his fist.

"Stop . No fighting." I yelled. I couldn't say anything else. I was hurt. I ran out of the room down the hall out in her rain. Great just great. Fuck my life.

I walked into the alley way and laid up against the wall. Crying. Until I couldn't cry anymore.

(Colson p.o.v)

"Get the Fuck out before I make you" I yelled to fag over the music.

The girl that kissed me walked over to him and kissed him. "You did this shit on purpose you Fucking bitch. Get the Fuck out before I make your bitch ass".

"poor Kells" Justin said and walked out the door with that bitch on him.

I had to look for Emily. I walked outside hotel and walked down the street to heat crying. I looked to my left to see Emily in the alley way cuddled up and crying. I walked up to her and sat next to her.

"Let me explain before you leave. After you hear me out and you don't believe me. I will let you fly back to Indiana and I won't talk to you ever again. But Emily, when she kissed me I didn't realize what was going on after a took me a second to think and I pushed her off. After you left that bitch walked up to Bieber fag and kissed him they had that shit planned Emily. He wanted you to see that so he can have you. I told him to leave before I regret what I would do. But damn it Emily, I love you. Their, I finally said it and it feels so Fucking good to let it out. I love you, I love you, I Fucking love you Emily. And I wanted to to be mine. I want you to be my girlfriend and god damn it maybe my wife on the future. I love you Emily." I finished off.

She stopped crying but she didn't even look at me nor said anything. I think this was it for us. I fucked it up. I got up and started walking.

"Wait, Colson".

I turned around to see Emily Running towards me jumped into my arms. "Yes. Yes I will be yours Colson Baker and damn it I Fucking love you too".

"Yes yes yes" I yelled and twirled her around in my arms. I kissed her all over her face and last but not least her Lips. God her perfectly pink plump lips.

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