Chapter 20

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This is it. The last chapter of this book. I swear I'll try to make the last chapter the best.


(Colsons p.o.v)

Today is the day I get out of this hell hole. I hate Fucking hospitals. I've been in here for a week straight. And thank the lord my ass is getting out today.

I haven't seen Emily since she practically saved me from killing my self. The doctor said if she came in twenty minutes later I would of been dead.

To be honest I wasn't trying to kill myself. I was just trying to take the pain away. And trying not to have her in my head. It didn't work. It just made me think of her more and hate myself more. So I kepted taking it and now here I am. Getting out of the hell hole.

Slim told me Emily is at the house getting ready for me. God I miss her so much. Her smile. Her beautiful brown eyes and so soft half. And her pink soft little plump lips and her gorgeous smile. God I need to stop before I get a boner.

But the look on her face when she came in my bedroom door. I would never forget that face. How I bad I just wanted to jump up and talk to her. But I heroine almost killed me. I swear I will never do that again. I was so selfish. I would never do that to my est family. My Emily and so dearly my daughter Casey. I swear I will make it up to them when I see them.

"Ready to go"? Rook asked. "More then ready man. Fuck hospitals bro".

After a ten minute drive I was finally home. We all walked in and I see Casey running down the hallway towards me.

"Daddy daddy daddy daddy"!

She jumped in my arms and I picked her up and spinner her around and kissed her all over her face. "God I missed you so much my beautiful little princess" I whispered in her ear.

"I missed you take daddy. Emily said you were very sick and had to go to the hospital. And she told mommy you were getting out today. And now here I am to surprised you daddy"!

"Yes I was very sick Casey but I'm all fine and I will make it up to you and Emily my little rockstar" she smiled.

"I love you daddy".

"I love you too baby girl, now go play". I told her and put her back down.

I looked up to see Emily a couple yards away from me with her arms crossed and a beautiful smile on her face.

I walked closer to her.

And closer.

And closer.

I was in front of her.

I looked down to see her looking up at me.

"I'm sorry. I was being so selfish not thinking of my est family. You and Casey. I wanna make it up to you two. And I also want you to take my stupid ass back. I'm sorry I should of believed you and listened to you. I'm so sorry and I love you. I love you so Fucking much." I got on my knees and hugged to waste.

She pulled my back up and rapped her arms around me and kissed me. I pulled back after a few minutes. "So I take that as I yes" I asked her.

"Yes" she said.

I picked her up and spinner her around.

"You know I miss you sexy ass" I looked down at her butt and squeezed it.

"Well I missed you gorgeous body and those tattoos" she bit her lip.

"Don't tease me baby girl" I put my head back.

"Oops" she winked at me and walked to the kitchen.

"I wanna take you and Casey to Disneyland. How about that" I told her.

"Sounds amazing babe. No matter where we go" she came up and kissed my cheek.

"We tomorrow morning" I said and walked out with no response from her.

"Casey go pack clothes for a week of clothing" I sat next to Casey on the couch.

"Where we going daddy"?


"Can Emily come daddy"

"Of course Casey I would never leave her"

"Yaaaay" she hugged me and went upstairs to probably pack.

It was late and Casey was in bed. Me, slim, dub, rook and Emily were drinking and watching the game.

"Alright babe I'm going to bed. Night night" Emily said walking a little weird upstairs. "Well Emily seems buzzed so I'm going to bed with her. Talk to you later guys" I said to the boys. Night they all said.

I checked on Casey then went to my room to see Emily laying on the bed singing to one of my songs. And man, she was good. I walked up to her to take her clothes off and put one of my t-shirts on her.

"I want you to sing with me to one of my songs or make one with me. You are really good." I told her.

"Hmmmmm sure baby. I'm tired so sleep with me" she patted the empty space with her.

I did as I was told.

I spooned her and we both yet fell in a deep sleep.

I woke up the next morning. Today is the day I take my two favorite girls to Disneyland.

I went down stairs to see bags packed by the door and see Emily and Casey putting breakfast on the table.

"Oh hi babe, I packed you bag for you and got everything ready. We just eat and leave." Emily said.

I walked up to her and sat down on the table with my loves.

God I sounded so gay.

We ate our breakfast and got ready to leave.

"This will be the best vacation babe I swear" I said to my two favorite girls.


Sorry how I ended the book but I didn't know any other way to end it. I will be making another book. But I will be taking a break for a week or two maybe. The next book I will be making will be longer and I won't be so quick on it. I hoped you guys liked the book. Thanks for reading, and voting. Follow for more. Thanks :)

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