New friends - Clove

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The next day at school I avoid looking at him. It's hard though. We go through the classes I take notes, listen and try to pay attention when Mis Lilly's explaining maths. At lunch I don't go to the cafeteria. Mum packed me a lunch instead I stay in the class room and draw in my book. That's all I've ever done for the two days I've been here. Listen do my work quietly, try not to get noticed in the cafeteria and turn my homework in on time as not draw attention to myself.

I'm drawing a flower in my book. It's really pretty. A rose. Then someone bursts through the door.
"Hey" I say
"I'm Cato" he says. It's the boy from yesterday.
"Clove" I answer.
"Friends?" he asks.
"Best friends" I answer indignantly.
"What are you drawing?" He asks
"A rose" I answer I let him see "It's not done yet though"
Then the stereo in the class room turns on and it starts to play classical music.
"That's weird!" I say
He holds out his hand and I take it.
"Shall we dance" he asks
"We shall" I laugh.

We move to the front of the class room my arms go around his neck, his arms go around my waist and we start to dance. I already feel so safe and I've only known Cato for two days but I already feel so safe in his arms. This is the start of something great.
"Cato I feel so safe with you" I say unsure
"Me to I've only known you for two days but I knew you were special the moment you walked in the door." He says
I blush and lay my head on his shoulder. We stay like this dancing and then standing still for an eternity, happy, content and safe. The school bell is what breaks us up. We return to our seats just before the girls and boys come rushing in.
"Cato I couldn't find you at lunch" another boy asks
"Um yeah I stayed in here at lunch" Cato says unsure
"What do we have now" I whisper to Cato
"History of Panem" he whispers back
Everyone is sitting on the tables and talking. Then Miss Lilly comes in, she surprises me when she's not mad.
"Ok it's time for history of Panem" she says over the ruckus
Everyone gone and sits down at their table ready for Miss Lilly to go on about how we owe the capital. She's forced to by the capital it's part of our education. This happens weekly and everyone has to pretend that they're listing.

At the end of the day the bell rings and kids rush out of the class like there's no tomorrow. I grab Cato's hand and run out of the room after everyone else. It's only when we get outside I stop running.
"Where do you want to go?" I ask Cato he's panting.
"Um I don't know? The square" he says
"Ok then the square it is" I say
"Oh and Clove" he says just before we start
"Yeah" I ask
"No more running please" Cato asks
"Ok we'll walk then" I say

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