The reaping part one - Clove

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(An this with be the same as the start)
I wake up and feel every muscle in my body tense as I remember what day it is. The reaping day. I get out of my bed and slowly make my way down to were the boys sleep. I must find Cato. I move in silent sock feet across the hard wood floors. I get to the door and I see him sitting cross legged on his bed looking out the window at the nut. This has been our home for the last eight years. He will know what I feel. We both share the same fate.
"Cato" I whisper
His head whips back alarmed. Who could blame him today though. His face relaxes when he sees me standing there.
"Clove" Cato answers "Couldn't sleep?"
"No" I answer as I walk to the bed as if not to wake everyone els.
He wraps his arm around me like he did so many years ago when I was scared. For me, for him for our future.
"I don't to leave district Two" I say
"Me neither" Cato says
"It'll only be for a little while" he says
"Why" I ask
"Because your sure to come back" He says
A chill runs through me. Sure I want to come back, not without Cato here.
"I don't want to come back if it means you won't be here" I say
"I know" He sighs and pulls me closer. Both of us dreading eleven. When we meat in the square with everyone else. Even if our names aren't pulled from that bowl we have to volunteer.

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