More training - Clove

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It's been a few years. I'm 14 now. I survived my first reaping ok. Cato and I are still dating. Today we have the test. Like  every year. I get up and dressed into my sports clothes. A black tank top and black athletic shorts. I put my hair into a high ponytail and check my phone. I have a text from Cato.
Ca- morning beautiful 😘.
He's just so sweet. I grab some toast for breakfast and head out to the oval thingy.
"Ok you now the drill 1k warm up" Enobaria says
I run around the oval/grass land thing. When I'm finished I'm breath less. Next is chosen skill that means knife throwing.
"Ok Clove show me what you can do" she says. I grab a knife and  line up with the dummy. Adrenaline flowing through my veins. I line up, blocking everything out but the knife and the target. I never miss now. I breath. The nice flues through the air and hits it's target. I grab another one and throw it from behind.
"Good" she say and nods in approval
"Cato your turn" she says
He grabs a sword and starts cutting heads and arms of the dummies. Limbs filled with styrofoam fly in every direction. I've never seen this side of him. The mean and ruthless, thirsty for blood. I don't like it. He's changing. This is not good. This is not the Cato I know.
"Great, next is the real life. Remember, real life situation but you are not to kill or injure anyone. If you are touched by a weapon connected to a human being then you are out. IT last for 1 hour"
We stand on metal plates and wait to the go. We get the signal and run up to the "cornucopia" and grab a knife. I easily get three people and I look for a back pack. I start to run away and find refuge in the woods. I look in my back pack and see what I got. Three crackers and a water container. Good ok I can deal with that.

We get to the thirty minute mark and I decide to find Cato and team up. I start by walking then I get ,ore and more worried. I start to run. As I do I trip over a tree root. I come tumbling down and fast. I brace for impact as I hip the hard earth. I try to get back up but I can't. I scream in pain. I can't move. I'm in plain sight, my knee is killing me and I'm really hurt. My tears stream down my face. I don't normally cry. I don't like to show weekness, but I can't help it.
"Cato" I scream
"Cato, Cato, Cato" I scream over and over. I scream so much my voice is horse by the end. I've been screaming for 5 minutes. Now at the 40 minute mark. I see a shadow advancing towards me for the trees. This is it. I couldn't win this anyway, even if it's just a pretend hunger games.
"Clove" IT calls out with urgency.

Sorry this chapter is really late I was being lazy. Guilty. Updates should be more normal unless I'm being lazy. Again.

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