The Conversation - Cato

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I stare down at my phone, on it is the picture I took of Clove after school today. I look back up at the printer again. God why won't this photo print faster. I turn on my computer and see Clove texted me. She needs to tell something tomorrow. I wonder what I could be. Hours pass. I get my homework done for this week. The there's a knock at the door.
" I'll get it" my mum yells
I walk down the hall as she opens the door. Mrs Evens is standing in the door way.
"Hello" she says
"Why what a nice surprise" my mum says
"I would like to talk to you and Cato please" She says
"Absolutely. Come here Cato" my mum yells
"Coming" I say
We walk into the dinning room and I pull out a chair and sit down.
"We need to talk about Cato" Mrs evens says immediately
"What about him" my mum asks
"We're going to train him for the games" She says when she sees we're not getting it she says "he's going into the 74th hunger games"
I gasp.
"This has to be a mistake" I say
"No mistake Cato I'm so sorry" she says
I barely run out of the room and up to the attic before I feel the tears run down my face. I stare at the photo of Clove. I won't live a life with her. I won't see her again. I fold the photo in my pocket and promise myself that I won't forget her and that I will carry this photo everywhere. I lean my head against the old dusty wall and fall asleep.

The next morning I wake up and throw on a red shirt shorts. I run out of the house I have to meet Clove. I see her walking from her house, I think she sees me because she starts to run towards me.
"Clove" I say
"Cato" she says and runs into me. She throws her arms around my neck and I hug her back
"What's wrong?" I ask
"I'm going into the 74th hunger games" she whispers
Her words hang in the air. I'm not able to proses what she said. Only one person can win. If I win Clove won't be here and if I don't win I'll die.
"Me too Clove. I'm going to train for the 74th hunger games as well" I whisper back
"No Cato you can't, I can't lose you" she says and starts to cry. I lift her head up.
"We're going to do it together or not at all" I say
"Promise" she asks
"I promise" I answer
I want to kiss her but should I. It's to late now. She cranes her neck so that we're then same hight. I lean down and press my lips against hers. She pulls away first.
"Ok" Clove says
"Um yeah I've been wanting to do that for a while" I blush
"So it never happened. Deal" she asks
"Deal" I say and we start to walk to school the same as always.
"What are we going to do Cato?" She asks me
"What do you mean" I asks
"We're going to face certain death" she says
"Well one of us can come home" I say
  We walk to school just as the bell goes. School passes in a blur  but all I think about is the hunger games and what will happen.

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