The reaping part two- Clove

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I get back to my room. My mind still running over my conversation with Cato. Does he love me? Do I love him? I think I like him and I have for a long time. But were we're going love isn't and option anymore. I'm glad Cato will be coming with me because there is a small part of me that's not so brave for my future. If I win Cato won't be here and if I don't win I'll die. Unless they changed the rules. That wouldn't happen in a thousand years.

When I get back to my room I see the only dress I own has been laid on my bed. Purple with a navy blue ribbon around the waist of it with a matching purple hair bow. I put my hair in its normal ponytail with the two sections at the front.  In the pocket of the dress I slip my district token. They allow you to have one thing in the arena something to remind you of home. My token is a picture of Cato and I from when we were little.

I walk to the dining hall waiting for breakfast. I'm almost too nervous to eat but I know I must enjoy what might be the last taste of home I get. I walk in the door and so many people are already seated at the long cafeteria tables. Many people stare at me when I walk in but I ignore them, they don't hurt me anymore. I'm the girl who younger children training whisper about because I seem deadly because I seem ruthless when I'm not. I'm the girl with the knives.

I spot Cato sitting at a table alone. Not because we chose to be but because people are scared of us. Cato has many friends. All the same as him. Brute strength and able to use a weapons I can't even name. But today he sits alone. I make my way through the line. Taking food. I go and sit next to Cato.
"Nervous?" I ask trying to lighten the mood
"like crazy" he says
"What about you girl with the knives?" He asks
"Yep" I say as I punch him playfully on the arm
"You got your token?" He asks
"Yeah I wouldn't leave it behind for the world. You" I say
"Yeah." He says

"I won't be the girl with the knives for much longer" I say
"Oh yeah." He says " and you think people will forget you?"
"I don't know depends on the person" I say
"Do you remember 8 years ago when we started this together?" I say
"I wouldn't forget it for the world." Cato says
We both glance up at the clock. 10:00. I start to hyperventilate.
"shhhh. It's ok. Your going to be fine. Clove" Cato says it brings me back to so many years ago when I had nightmares. When he was up and heard me scream or when I went to him. I sit now facing him as we grip each other's arms.
"Together" he says
"Or not at all" I say

We need to go it's 10:5 people are starting to file out of the dinning room. People come past say they're sorry that they're glad they knew us. I don't listen nether dose Cato. At the last second I remember my knife. I won't need it they don't let you carry weapons anyway.

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