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Harley Reeves walked throughout the city, hoping to earn some extra cash.

"Hello everybody!" She yelled, taking out her cards. "Who wants to see a magic trick?"

Those words brought a decent crowd, much to her satisfaction.

"Good." She says, taking out her cards. "Now what I am going to do is a simple card trick." She looked around the crowd, her eyes settling on a little girl.

"You." She points playfully. "Pick a card, princess."

The girl happily obliges, showing the card to the crowd before putting it back in the deck.

"Thank you very much." She says before shuffling through the deck. "Now is this your card?"

The little girl shakes her head, causing Harley to fake a pout. "No? How 'bout this?!"

The girl giggled, but shook her head regardless.

"Hmm, why don't you check in that little backpack of yours?" Harley offers as she watched the little girl dig through her backpack before finding a tiara with a card taped to it. "Is that your card?"

The little girl nods excitedly as she admired the seven of diamonds. "How'd you do that?"

"Magic, darling." Harley responded before receiving applause.

Harley smiled to herself. That wasn't the original trick she was going to do, but when she saw the girl she immediately wanted to do something special for her.

She went around, collecting the tips before walking away.

"Harleen Reeves." A male voice said. Harley stopped in her tracks, scared of the man that the voice belonged to. "Quite a magic show, you earned a lot of money. Now where's mine?"

"I told you, I don't owe you anything. I paid my share." Harley responded.

"Listen, you're a sweet girl, but that doesn't give you an excuse. You got into a situation with some pretty bad people. Now pay up, or you'll face the consequences." The man threatened.

"I've done everything you've asked." Harley defended, before taking a step back. "You asked for $3,000 dollars and that's what I gave you." The strawberry blonde stomped away to a waiting taxi.


Later that night, she arrived to the apartment she was sharing with her best friend.

"Jack! I saw that guy again." She yelled to the man.

"What did he want?" Jack question, stepping out of his room.

"What do you think? He wanted money." Harley responded, taking off her leather jacket.

"And?" Jack Wilder asked, concerned for his friend.

"I told him off and walked away. I paid my part, I don't know what else he wants from me."

"He's a psycho path. You shouldn't have made a deal with him in the first place." Jack sighed.

"Yes, I know. I shouldn't have dated or made a deal with him, I get it." Harley responded, annoyed. "But when I broke up with him, he got into this like murdery stalker mode. It wasn't much of a choice."

"Right." Jack hesitantly agreed. "Well, we have a big day tomorrow. Rest up."

Harley scoffed, "I'd hardly called stealing people's wallets a big day." And with that she went to her room.


First chapter of my new book. I know it's probably really confusing but you'll see later in the book.


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