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The five magicians lounged around in Jack and Harley's apartment. It was the only fit for all five of them, although Merritt has chosen to sleep on the couch, which confused Harley to no end. Why would someone so old want to sleep on something like that? She would think, but would never actually say anything. She respected and liked Merritt, and did not want to harm his precious ego.

"Harley, have you located Etienne yet?" Daniel asked as he tapped his pencil anxiously.

Harley had ignored him due to the fact that Theo, her former boyfriend was texting her. Theo and Harley had met when she used him for a trick and instantly hit it off. After a couple weeks, Theo became borderline stalker, not letting her go anywhere without his permission. Eventually Harley felt threatened so she left him. Theo was angered by this, so gathered as much dirt as possible on his ex and threatened her.

First he wanted money, but now he wanted her back. He did not think that he did anything wrong, and has again started to stalk her.

'Hello gorgeous, how about I forget the money you owe me and I take you out to dinner?' He texted, but Harley responded with six words.

'Gave you money, leave me alone.' She said, but Theo was determined.

'I'll show you a good time' He responded, but  Harley didn't want to go anywhere with him.

"Harley stop texting your boyfriend and get back to business. We don't have time for your love life." Daniel snapped, annoyed at the girl for ignoring him.

Harley turned her phone off before turning towards him, "Etienne is currently in France. He is coming to America for a half year vacation is three months." Harley stated in a matter of fact tone. "Besides, Theo is not my boyfriend anymore. I honestly think he's just gay and hasn't realized it yet." She fake pondered, "That's sounds like someone I know." She glanced at Jack and Daniel.

"Do you happen to watch sports?" She asked the two younger males.

Daniel, confused by this statement, answered slowly, "No, it's a waste of time."

Harley smirked to herself as she looked at Jack again. Daniel noticed and shook his head, "I'm not gay."

"Well that's a shame because Jack over here once said-" she started but was interrupted when Jack out his hand over her mouth.

"Say it and I'll tell everyone about the time I caught you dancing in the living room with nothing but a tank top and underwear." Jack whispered in her hear, causing Harley's eyes to grow wide before nodding.

"Back to business." Harley said right away, causing Henley and Merritt to look at her with an amused expression. "How are we going to steal the money from France, Mr. Knowitall?"

Daniel rested his chin on the back of a chair, giving Harley a look. "France has its money delivered in armored trucks."

"Right." Henley answered.

"So if we could get inside the truck, viola we have the money." Daniel continued.

Harley scoffed, "Great job. One little problem; how are we going to get into said trucks?"

"Come on, Harls. It can't be too hard." Jack answered, causing Harley to glare at him. She hated that nickname.

"An armored truck carrying three million euros? Yeah, I'm sure they'll just let us walk right in." Merritt replied, sarcastically.

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