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Harley was in her room, dancing and Jack.

For the past couple weeks, Daniel and her would argue about everything. Food, tv, plans to steal money, etc. But now she was alone, or so she thought, and didn't have a care in the world.

The four magicians walked into the apartment, coming back from their errands. Hearing the music, they instantly furrowed their eyebrows and headed towards the source of the noise.

"So what I'm still a rockstar I've got my rock moves and I don't need you! And guess what? I'm having more fun and now that we're done I'm gonna show you tonight!" Harley sang loudly, taking small breaks to sip her drink.

The four horsemen were about to burst of laughter when Harley noticed them. She stopped in her tracks, staring at them with wide eyes.

"Nice moves." Merritt yelled over the music.

Harley instantly ran over to the music, turning it off. "Can I help you?"

"Maybe you could teach me a move or two." Daniel asked, leaning against the door frame.

"I will break your nose you foul loathe some evil little cockroach." She seethed, taking steps towards Daniel.

"I'd like to see you try." He taunted, realizing that the others left.

"Challenge accepted." Harley charged towards him but stopped when she heard her phone ring. She instantly looked at it, and saw it was a text from Jack.

'Went to get food. Don't break his nose'

"They left us." She stated before walking past Daniel and into the living room.

Daniel followed her, but instead went to look at papers while she watched tv.

"Could you possibly turn it down." Daniel asked, annoyed with the loud sounds. Harley looked over and stuck her tongue out at him before turning it up. "Wow, really mature."

"I never said I was." She retorted, before turning it back down, it being too loud for her.

"Thank you." He muttered before looking back at the papers.

"Whatever Danny." Harley muttered causing Daniel to spring up.

"I'm sorry what did you just say?" He asked.

"Are you deaf? I said whatever." She retorted not even looking at him.

"Yes but you called me Danny." He stated before grinning.

"That's your name isn't it?"

"Yes but only my friends call me Danny." He answered.

"You don't have any friends." She turned towards him.

Daniel was about to reply when the door opened.

"We've got food." Henley sang, before sensing the tension. "Okay maybe later." She went into the kitchen.

Jack threw his leather jacket onto Harley who immediately balled it up and threw it across the room.

Henley came back and sat in the middle of Danny and Harley. "You still pissed off at each other?"

"Nope." Harley replied, popping the p. She was too into the television show to notice everyone staring at her.

"Definitely still pissed." Merritt whispers, causing Harley to look up at them.

"I'm not pissed!" She yelled, pausing the show. "Daniel's fine, aren't you?"

"Totally." He replied shortly, looking at Harley's death glare.

"See. Everything's good." She waved her arms around before leaving the couch and walking towards the food. "Are we gonna eat or what?"


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