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Everyone stood in line, waiting for Daniel to wave a device over their trackers. When he was done, he stomped over to Harley.

"I still cannot believe you forgot your bracelet." He muttered.

"Sweetheart." She said sarcastically, "You should know by now; I don't do well with rules."

"Yes, but now it makes everything harder."

"Oops." She faked pouted. "Sorry."

"Whatever." He muttered before leading her over to her new magic trick. "Now since you decided you wanted to perform so late, there were only so many things you could choose from." He explained, wondering why she wanted to perform. Didn't she say that she didn't want to be a role model?

"Right, so I get to work with a bunny in a box." Harley muttered, earning a look from Daniel.

"And hang yourself." He shrugged, causing Harley to glare at him.

"Thanks." She deadpanned. "So, after my performance, I come back and hack into you know what?"

"Yes. I can get someone to help-"

"I've done it before." She said, walking away.

She went in her room and practiced her tricks. She was an illusionist, and she had to make one big illusion. She was going to pretend to hang herself and end up in a seat next to Agent Rhodes.

She wore a big black coat, that will cover her face when she needed.


"Ladies and gentlemen the Savoy's management welcomes you to tonight's special performance." The announcer started.

Harley rubbed her hands, suddenly feeling overwhelmingly nervous. She looked around, trying to think about anything other than what's about to happen. She looked over towards Daniel, seeing him watch her. She gave him a small, tight lipped smile before letting out another shaky breath.

"Arthur Tressler presents Jack Wilder, Henley Reeves, Merritt McKinney, Daniel Atlas, and the new Harley Reeves! The five horsemen." The announcer spoke, emphasizing on 'five.'

The audience bursts into applause, causing Harley to feel a little better.

"What is magic?" Daniel asked. "Our argument, nothing but targeted deception. So I want you to look. Look as closely as possible. Because the tricks you are about to see may not seem connected, but we assure you they are. Is what follows one hundred different tricks? Or is it one giant illusion?"

Henley and Danny started their first magic trick, leaving the three to themselves. Harley left the two, looking for the computer.

Harley heard the two magicians on stage, but chose to ignore them. She turned her attention towards the computer screen, logging into the page.

The two magicians soon finished, leaving Merritt to perform. Harley gave him a small smile before looking back to the screen. She quickly typed in the answers to the security questions.

Daniel rushed in to check on her. "Hey. How's the hacking going?"

"I'm already done. I won't know the names until after the intermission, so I guess I have until my performance." She answered, turning to look at him.

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