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Harley sat in the cop car, with a bored look on her face. This wasn't the plan, if she would've just waited for the others everything would've been fine.

Merritt would've hypnotized the man before he could post a picture, exposing her.

"Tell us what you know." An unknown agent asked.

"Oh yes, because I'm just going to spill the secrets because they got a new, ugly face." She gave him a sarcastic smile, causing him to glare at her.

"Bring her to the safe." He ordered to Rhode's, who only nodded in response.

"You are the biggest idiots I have ever seen." She muttered to herself as Rhodes got into the car.


"Where's the safe?" The agent shouted to the men.

"We just moved it while you were outside. Evan's orders."

"What? I never said that."

"Sir you got a phone call and said Washington wants the safe moved."

"You never heard that come out my mouth."

Harley tuned them out, already knowing what was going to happen.

She almost laughed when the boss started playing the violin, but she didn't. She was trying to show no emotion.

Her leg, although still aching, felt better. She knew she could run, just with a little limp, but it would do. All she had to do was get the handcuffs off, and avoid the guns. No more guns for Harley.

"Harley!" Rhodes yelled, snapping her out of her thoughts. "Look at this."

Harley sighed before watching the video of the three horsemen.

"It would've looked better if I was in it." She said before being pushed into the car. "Where are we going now?"

"To the performance."


Lights began to shine as the images disappeared from the wall.

"Dylan! They're going in the wrong direction and you know it!" Alma Dray yelled to Dylan.

Harley took this chance to shuffle back, losing the agent in charge of her.

She started to limp throughout the crowd, escaping from the FBI. The money started to fall and she knew that she didn't have much time. She started to go faster, finally escaping from them.

She groaned in pain as her leg started to ache more, but no blood. Her stitches were fine.

She continued to run until she finally reached the park, and it looked like it was just in time.

"Oh no, it's fine. Don't worry about me." She huffed, completely out of breath. "I need to work on my cardio."

"Harley." Henley breathed before hugging her sister. Merritt gave her a tight hug next and then it was Danny's turn. But Danny didn't do what she expected, instead he kissed her. Henley gasped at first, but soon melted into the kiss.

Soon enough they pulled away, looking into each other's eyes. "That was uh-" Harley started searching for a word to say, "Magical."

He grinned at her, before giving her another kiss, this time quicker.

"It's locked." Henley said, drawing their attention away from the couple.

"Weren't you listening? Nothing's ever locked." Jack said, stepping into view. He picked at the chain and pulled the gate open.

"Well done Mr. Wilder." Henley said as she walked through the gate.

"You're a big boy now Jack." Merritt added, following behind.

Harley was next, she practically ran to him, embracing him in a hug. "I'm so happy you're okay, Jack." She said as she squeezed him tighter.

Jack smiled as he rubbed her back, "I'm glad I am too, Harles."

Harley pulled out of the hug and slapped his shoulder, "Don't call me that."

"Well done Jack." Danny said, forcing a smile. Harley smiled at him, causing his smile to become genuine.

The Five horsemen wondered around looking for the tree.

"No, I'm telling we're right where we need to be. We just have to find-" Danny started.

"That?" Henley cut in, looking at the tree.

"The Lionel Shrike tree." Danny breathed.

"And the card encased in glass." Harley finished.

"What do we do now?" Merritt asked.

The horsemen grabbed their cards, placing them together. Henley lifted the card and waved it in front of the glass.

The carousel started up, causing everyone to turn around.

"Oh my Gosh. I did not see that coming." Merritt huffed out a laugh. "That's impossible."

"No way." Jack breathed.

"That was pretty good." Danny said.

"Thank you." Rhodes said, smiling.

"You basically kidnapped me. Twice." Harley glared before breaking out into a smile. "Sweet."

"Henley?" Rhodes tried to get her attention.

"I've never seen her speechless." Danny laughed.

"I take that as a huge complement." Danny walked up to her.

The Sixth horsemen lead the others to the Carousel, explaining why he had them do what they did.

One by one, everyone hopped on the carousel, disappearing at the other end.

Leaving Harley and Daniel alone, hand in hand.

"This is too weird." She said, looking at their hands. Danny went to pull away but she stopped him. "No, I like it."

He smiled at her before leading her through the gate.

"Ready?" He asked her.


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