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Harley let out a shaky breath, adrenaline pumping. She was actually about to steal money. Sure, she's pick pocketed, but she's never even been this close to three million euros.

She held her breath as the truck rolled to a bumpy stop. A guard collapsed, making it free to get out of the small compartment.

"Ready?" Daniel asked before all three of them pushed the door opened, Harley the first to get out.

"Woah." She breathed looking at the 3.2 million euros. She looked towards the now open door, revealing Merritt and Jack.

"Don't even think it." Jack warned playfully, causing Harley to throw money at him.

"Shut up." She said before throwing another package of money.

Once the five made sure the fake money was arranged, Danny walked up to Harley, pulling two things out of his pocket. A ticket from their first show and a deuce of hearts with Etienne's signature.

"Well done boys." Harley wrapped her arm around Daniel and Jack, causing them to grin a little bit. "Now let's get home, shall we?"


It was only a couple weeks before the show, causing Harley to become anxious. She really wanted to see how this plan would play out.

She was happily watching her television show, before her phone went off.

Not thinking about it, she opened it to see Theo's number. Her face instantly falling, she had thought she had gotten rid of him.

'Hello darling, I see you've changed your number. Smart girl, although still not smart enough.'

Harley bit her lip, staring at the screen.

"You okay sweetie?" Henley asked, causing her to look up at her sister.

"Fine." She answered before looking back the phone.

'New phone. Who dis?'

'Don't play games with me Harleen. Meet me at our restaurant. You know the one.'

Harley sighed, contemplating whether or not to go.

'Come now or else there will be consequences.'

She sighed before looking up at the horsemen. "I'm gonna go out. I'll be back."

"You want me to come with you?" Jack offered but Harley waved him off.

"It's fine." She answered before sprinting out the door.


Theo waited for her, already making a reservation.

"Harleen. Hello." He greeted looking her up and down.

"Theo." She answered shortly. "What do you want with me?"

"Dinner, of course. Let's go, my treat." He answered, grabbing her wrist and pulling her inside. "Now about the money-"

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