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Jack and Harley rushed into the apartment, disturbed by their run in.

Daniel had been pacing, worried about the two. "Where have you two been?"

"Out." Harley muttered before trying to walk away but Henley stopped in front of her with a sisterly face. "Fine, you want me to stay here and participate in this little get together? So be it. Daniel, how much work have you gotten done?"

"There's not much point in making a plan if practically half the team is missing." Daniel stated.

"Hold on. What's up with you?" Merritt asked Henley, knowing something was up.

Harley contemplated on telling the team about Theo. She felt like knowing could put them in danger, but not knowing would be even more dangerous.

"She's got this guy who's stalking her." Jack explained, causing Harley to glare at him. If looks could kill, then Jack would have died right then and there.

"I'm going to stab you in your sleep." Harley charged towards him but Merritt hurriedly pulled her back. Harley glared daggers into Jack, but soon sighed in defeat.

"It's Theo." Harley admitted.

"Theo? As in the guy you were texting?" Daniel asked.

"Yes. He's been on my case for a while, but today he was full blown stalker. He has pictures of me changing. From yesterday." Harley explained, a distraught look on her face. "While I was in the bathroom, alone."

"Okay, we need to call the cops." Henley said absentmindedly.

"Are you crazy? Later this year, we're going to become basically criminals. We can't go to the cops." Harley scolded. Suddenly her phone vibrated again, causing her stomach to churn.

She looked down and saw that it was from Theo.

'Go to the cops, and I'll kill everyone in that room.'

Harley's heart skipped a beat and she let out a mix of a gasp and a choke. Jack leaned over her shoulder, reading the text.

"Don't reply. It'll be okay." He whispered, low enough so that no one else could hear but Harley.

Harley looked around, about to cry, and ran into the kitchen.

Harley wasn't one to cry easily, or really show any emotion, but when she did she did it alone. She hated the feeling of people seeing her as weak.

She broke down, crying silently. She didn't know why she was crying so much, maybe because after 12 years of going through everything mainly alone, she finally felt like she had a family. A highly dysfunctional family, but still a family. Sure she always had Jack, but that was just one person. In life all she ever really wanted was a home, and not a place, but a somebody. And now that she finally had one, it was about to be ripped apart by a psychotic ex.

Little did she know, Daniel Atlas was watching her break down. Trying not to cry, to panic, but failing.

"Harley?" He asked gently, walking in. Harley immediately turned around, hiding her puffy face.

"What?" She croaked out, drying her tears.

"What did that guy say?" Daniel asked, walking closer.

"Nothing. I have everything under control. It's just that-" Harley started to turn around, thinking that her face was okay.

"He threatened my life didn't he?" Daniel asked, putting two and two together. "Me and the rest of the group?"

"Yeah, but it's fine. I'll handle it." Harley reassured, but Daniel wasn't convinced.

"Hey, he's not going to lay a hand on any of us, okay? I'll make sure of it." Daniel reassured.

"Please." Harley scoffed, trying to stop his sympathetic behavior. She walked out of the kitchen, leaving Daniel alone.


A few weeks have gone by and the magicians were ready to move into the apartment.

The four waited outside as Harley was scoping the place out to see if it was suitable.

"Harley open the door." Daniel yelled, getting annoyed with the strawberry blonde. She had been in there for a good 15 minutes.

"Calm down you rat." Harley yelled before opening the door, an annoyed smile on her lips. "I call the master bedroom."

She winked at them before going into her new room. Looking down at her old phone, she takes a shaky breath, hoping that Theo wouldn't find her. He was dangerous


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