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"Hey Harls. We gotta go to New York." Henley woke her sister up knowing the police were close.

Harley slowly woke up, muttering a few choice words under her breath.

"Can you walk?" Henley asked.

"Absolutely not." Danny cut in. "It will take more than 12 hours for it to heal. Now assuming that you've gotten the bullet out and stitched her up correctly, she should be fine after a few days, the main problem is infection. That means that we need to clean it every once in a while and make sure that she doesn't ruin the stitches."

"Then how am I supposed to make it to the next show?" Harley said, sitting up.

"You won't. You're going to meet us at the park. That's not what I'm worried about. It's the plan before the show." Danny said, waving his hands around as he talked.

"So then what do you suppose we do?" Henley asked with an annoyed sigh.

"You can print out the money, while we do all the hard work." Danny said, walking over to her.

"I want to help." She defended.

"You will, just not in the way that we originally planned." Danny picked her up bridal style, carrying her out of the building. "Now let's go."


Harley was sitting on a stool handing Jack papers to burn.

Daniel threw Rhode's phone to the ground and smashed it with his heel, breaking it into pieces.

"The firewall's down. Do they know about this?" Henley asked frantically.

"They who?" Danny asked.

"They. Them. Whoever we're working for." Henley said as she kept trying.

"Who are we working for?" Merritt asked, turning away from the window. "And are we prepared to go to jail for them?"

"Stop being paranoid." Danny shook his head.

"It really does happen!" Merritt yelled.

"Yeah it happened to you. Doesn't mean it's gonna happen to us." Daniel glared.

Harley continued to hand Jack papers until he suddenly stopped. "Guys I don't know if I can do this, all right? I don't want to go to jail, you know?"

"Then don't screw up. You're always talking about wanting to be treated like an adult now might be a good time to start acting like one. Stick to the plan, stay here and burn it all." Danny ordered.

Jack nodded and continued to toss more papers into the fireplace, but Harley grew angry.

"Hey! Don't talk to Jack like that." Harley said as she tried to stand up, but Daniel immediately sat her back down. "Stop! Just because you're under a lot of stress doesn't give you an excuse to talk like that. News flash; we're all under a lot of stress."

"I don't know what I'm doing here." Merritt interrupted their little fight.

"I don't know what you would do anywhere else." Danny turned to look towards him.

"I am in this for the gold at the end of the rainbow. That's it, then I'm gone."

"Oh wow thanks Merritt." Harley muttered.

"You can do whatever you want when this is over, but until then you stick to the plan." Henley spat.

"Hey guys. Uh, they're here." Danny's face paled slightly.

"Okay, let's do it." Merritt said, walking towards the door with Henley close behind him. Daniel went to grab Harley but she stopped him.

"Maybe I could distract the police instead? I mean they're probably already looking for me due to being shot." Harley pleaded, not wanting to leave her best friend.

"Hey, Harley, I'm gonna be okay. You're still hurt you need to go." Jack said giving Harley a hug.

Harley nodded before Danny picked her up and rushed towards the garbage chute.

"Ladies first." Merritt said.

Harley was about to go but Henley stopped, "I'll go first. Make sure you don't hurt that leg of yours." Henley jumped down, with Harley following.

A couple trash bags broke Harley's fall, preventing her from hurting her leg. She slowly stood up, feeling a sharp pain in her leg, but ignoring it and trudging on.

"What are you doing?" Henley asked, panicked.

"I'm fine, no blood. Let's go, they'll catch up."


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