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Twenty one year old Harley was walking to her apartment, alone. She had just gotten out of work, bartending for some bar.

Her plan was to rush home and get into nicer clothes for a little magic show. But those plans were soon ruined by a drunk man.

"Hello there." He slurred, placing his hand on her waist.

"Not the time." Harley said, trying to walk off, but the man stopped her.

"Hey, don't be like that sweetie pie. What's your name?" He said, pulling her close, much to her dismay.

"That's none of you business you drunk turd." Harley said, trying to push him off.

"You're lucky you're gorgeous. Let's try that again; What. Is. Your. Name?"

"I believe she said that she wasn't interested." Theo said, walking behind him. At this time, he was a mere stranger to the girl. "Leave."

"I'm sorry, but I don't take orders from little boys." He said before taking his beer bottle and slamming it onto his head, knocking him out cold.

Harley gasped in shock, causing the man to turn around and smile at her. He began to touch her back side, but she slapped him. He scoffed before hitting her back, causing her to groan.

She recovered quickly, and began to punch the man, causing his nose to bleed. She kicked him in the gut before putting his head between her legs and flipping him over, knocking him unconscious.

She huffed, starting to go and check on Theo. He was fine, nothing to serious.

She instantly put her number in his pocket, adding a thank you to the note.

'Thanks for the help. Call me if it's worse than it seems.'

She got up and began to walk away when she heard sirens.

"Put your hands where I can see them!"

/End of flashback/

"Harley?" Theo sang over the phone. "You still there?"

Harley huffed before pressing the end call button. Theo had called Henley, since Harley had blocked his number.

"What was he talking about?" Daniel asked Harley, referring to the fact that Theo had just told the four about her jail experience.

Harley bit her lip, thinking of a way to explain it. Not even Jack knew about that, and she told him pretty much everything.

She sighed before explaining the whole thing. Explaining that she only spent minimal time in jail, until Theo had somehow bailed her out. How she had accidentally paralyzed the man when she flipped him over. How Theo was the only one who knew, so she went to him to support. Everything.

Everything was silent for a moment until Jack came up and hugged a now on edge Harley. She tightened up for a second, before melting into him.

After a couple of moments she pulled away and cleared her throat. "Let's get ready for the next show, shall we?

The strawberry blonde walked away, hiding her real emotions. Truth be told, she felt terrible for paralyzing that man. She dreaded that day more than almost anything.


Sorry this was absolute trash, but I wanted to let you know what happened with Harley.

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