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Harley sat on the fairy as she watched her fellow magician do a card trick. It was a quite simple, but impressed the crowd nonetheless.

As everyone was pressuring Jack to pay the snitch, Harley discreetly stole a wallet from a man before walking to the front for an easy escape.

Harley followed Jack off the fairy, accidentally bumping into a hooded man, "Watch where you're going next time, would ya?" Harley muttered before sprinting off in Jack's direction.

"You got it?" Jack questioned as he went through his own wallet.

"Did you doubt me?" The strawberry blonde responded, before going through the wallet herself.

As Jack patted his pocket, he found a tarot card, "What the-"

"Language, Jack." Harley interrupted before looking over at the card. "What is that?"

"I don't know." He answered, still looking at the card.

Harley then found one as well, in her front pocket. "The Magician" was printed underneath in blocky lettering.

On the back was an eye and information.

March 29

4:44 pm

45 East Evan St. NY, NY

"You got one too?" Jack questioned, as he looked over.

"Duh." Harley answered before walking away.

"Where are you going now?" Jack asked, annoyed with the younger of the two.

"To get a new outfit. Looks like we've got a date." The female magician answered before walking into the city to find an outfit. (Outfit in authors note)


Days later, Jack and Harley were getting ready for the big event.

"Harley, would you hurry up!" Jack called from the front of the apartment.

Harley walked out in blue skinny jeans, a blank tank top, usual leather jacket, and combat boots. "I was waiting for you. Let's go loser."

The two walked through New York, making their way to the desired destination.

When they finally arrived, they immediately walked up the stairs, Harley a couple steps behind. "I need to work on my cardio." She muttered before continuing to ascend the stairs.

"Okay so he never made you feel special, and trust me; you deserve to be made to feel special." Merritt consoled.

'Good another female in the group' Harley though as she rounded the last corner.

"That's a very - really nice sorry. You guys enjoy each other's company." Daniel turned to go, but stopped when he saw Jack and Harley reach the floor.

"No way," Jack breathed, stepping towards the man. "J. Daniel Atlas? Dude I have seen everything you have ever done. I mean you're like- I idolize you. Seriously."

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