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Everyone started to sprint, excluding Harley. She froze in her spot when she saw Theo, staring at her with a deadly expression. She looked towards his hands and saw that he was carrying a gun.

'Daniel' she thought, seeing his deadly stare turn into a smirk. Jack realized that she wasn't running, so he went back and tugged her along with him.

Snapping her from her scary thoughts, she sprinted as fast as she could. She heard the police yelling after them. Maybe the police will catch Theo.

The horsemen raced onto the street, climbing over a wall in the process. Harley struggled due to her height, but Jack had helped her out.

They ran in different directions, Daniel now pulling Harley along with him.

They continued to run, stopping at another wall. Daniel went up, not even thinking of helping Harley.

Harley struggled, not being able to pull herself up. Danny sighed before pulling her up with ease.

Alma Dray caught up to them, along with a hiding Theo. "Stop!"

Harley saw Theo and quickly shoved Daniel to the ground, causing him to groan. Harley slowly put her hands up, ready to jump when Theo came out and shot her in the leg.

Danny jumped up at the sound of a gun shot, looking up to see Harley bleeding.

She gasped in pain, looking like she was about to fall.

Alma looked towards Theo, ready to attack when suddenly yelled, "Maybe next time you'll learn a lesson. This life is on you!" He aimed the gun towards him head and pulled the trigger.

Harley's eyes filled with tears as she fell off the wall, Danny catching her. "Are you okay? Can you walk? We need to run."

He said, panic coursing throughout his body. The amount of blood she was losing was dangerous.

Meanwhile on the other side, Agent Rhodes saw Alma Dray staring at the dead body. "What are you doing?" He breathed before starting to run after the two.

Danny saw him and immediately picked Harley up, carrying her bridal style.

Harley was in unimaginable pain. Physically and mentally. The bullet was still in her leg, and she was bleeding profusely. She was starting to get dizzy and tired.

"Stay with me." Danny muttered before running a few more blocks. Jack, who was dressed as a police officer, spotted them throughout the crowd. His heart skipped a beat as he saw his best friend leg. He sprinted over to them, immediately asking what happened.

"W-what happened? Is she okay? Wha-" he started.

"Jack, no time to explain. You need to get her to the meeting place. Now." Daniel explained as he handed a barely conscious Harley to him. Jack easily carried her, weaving in and out of the crowd.

He kicked open the door, immediately screaming for help.

"Oh my-" Henley froze as she saw her now unconscious sister, "What happened?"

"She was shot." Jack cried, laying her on the couch. Merritt came in, eyes widening at the scene. "What do we do? D-do we take her to the hospital?"

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