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Months later, the now called horsemen were got on Etienne's trail.

The five horsemen were on a plane, heading for France. Henley and Merritt sitting together, Jack by himself, and Harley and Daniel were stuck together, Harley trying not to hyperventilate.

"I hate you, Danny. I hate all of you." Harley muttered, looking out the window. "Why couldn't I track E.T in New York?!"

"E.T?" Danny muttered.

"Yes, Etienne, whatever you want to say." Harley responded before looking at him. "I told you that I was fine as long as I wasn't in the window seat. And what did you do? You made me sit in the friggin window seat!"

"Yes well, it would be easier for me to escape if the plane were to crash." Daniel teased, earning a death glare. "Just go to sleep."

"Why so you can throw me out of a window?" Harley questioned incredulously before considering his words and dozing off.


Jack chuckled quietly as he looked over at his best friend. She was cuddled up next to Daniel, who was snoring slightly.

He crouched down, and started to wake Daniel up, considering that his head was atop of hers.

Henley walked by, adoring her younger sister. "That's so cute."

Jack laughed before successfully waking Daniel up.

"What?" He asked, in a husky voice. The three looked at him expectantly as he realized that Harley's head was still on his shoulder. He smiled to himself before whispering in her ear, "Harley, wake up."


He sighed before getting an idea. "Harley! The plane's crashing! Wake up!" He yelled causing the strawberry blonde to jump up with wide eyes.

Gasping, she looked around and saw everyone laughing at her.

"Oh yeah. It's all good fun until you wake up with broken noses." She muttered before grabbing her bags and walking away, purposely kicking Daniel's shin.

Jack stopped laughing, running after his friend. "Harley!"

"Huh?" She asked, continuing to walk.

"Come on, we were having fun." He groaned.

"Yes, I realize that." She answered before going to the luggage area.

"Then why'd you get all worked up over this?" He asked, causing the girl to shrug.

"I'm not. I'm a violent person, you should know this by now." She answered before grabbing her sister's bag.

"Yes, I learned that when you broke my nose in the ninth grade." He muttered causing her to smirk.

"You tried to kiss me." She laughed, before picking up the other bags, handing some to Jack.

"Yes well lesson learned." He answered. "Looks like Danny will have to go through the same thing."

"Shut up, he doesn't like me like that." She paused, "Actually he doesn't like me at all."

"Not true." Daniel answered, causing Harley to jump. Danny chuckled before realizing that she never said that she doesn't like him.

He shook the thought away, continuing his smug facade.

"Coffee." Henley yelled before handing everyone their cup.

"Let's get this show on the road." Merritt said, taking his bag.


The girls waited in the hotel room, the boys going to exchanging their money for euros.

"What's taking them so long." Henley muttered impatiently.

"Probably some pretty French whore." Harley said, earning a look from her older sister. "Don't give me that look."

"What look? I'm concerned." Henley answered.

"Whatever. I'm gonna take a shower." Harley said, walking into the bathroom.

When she stepped in, all of her worries disappeared. Her anxiety about the plane, and the person she was sitting with, were all gone.

She came out of the shower, refreshed. She quickly got into her usual black attire, adding only natural makeup. She brushed her long hair, letting it flow around her shoulders.

Satisfied with her look, she walked out to see the rest of the team counting the money.

"Let's be careful with the money, okay?" Daniel asked, eyeing Harley.

"Relax." She sang, "Tresslers got more than enough money. We're fine."

Harley recalled the instructions from the eye, telling them to recruit Tressler.

"You're gonna put a shirt on or-" Merritt asked, eyeing Harley's outfit.

"This is a shirt, old man." She teased. "It's something us young people call a crop top."

Harley went over, slipping on a leather jacket before looking over her shoulder, "We doing this or not?"

Danny cleared his throat, trying to ignore the fact that he was just staring at her. He went in front, leading the group to their 'mission.'


"Okay, so here's the deal." Danny started, "Etienne should be heading this way so Merritt we need you to use your mind tricks, I'll use the poker chips, and Henley, get the measurements. Jack and Harley, you know what to do?"

"Yep." Jack and Harley answered in unison, grinning at each other before they left.

The plan went perfectly, as everyone did what they were supposed to do.

Up next was Harley and Jack. As Etienne walked by, Harley and Jack embraced.

"We won! I knew it!" Harley yelled, as Jack picked her up and spun her around. "Thank you Vegas!"

Etienne gave them a confused look before calling a cab.

Jack and Harley released from the embrace, smiling at each other.

When the job was done, everyone came back to the meeting spot, feeling somewhat accomplished.


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