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"You sure you don't want to get out? They don't know you're part of it." Daniel asked Harley.

"Oh yes, because after everything I'm just gonna bail now." Harley said sarcastically, before smiling at him. "I'm all in."

"So how long until they get here?" Jack asked.

"I don't know-" Harley started but was interrupted by the FBI.

"FBI! Hands where I can see them!" Several agents filed into the room, pointing their guns at the magicians. "Let's go. Hey em up!"

Danny turned away lifting his hands up in surrender. Harley put on a mischievous smirk before lifting her hands up. Merritt continued reading.

"Put the book down." An agent ordered.

"Okay. You got me." Merritt said, raising his arms slightly.

Henley started to waltz in, gaining the agents attention.


"Oh my!" Henley dropped the bags and put her hands in the air. "Do one of you guys mind giving us a hand with our bags?"

An agent walked up to Harley, putting a gun to her head. "Let's go." She willingly stuck her arms behind her back, and was pushed out of the apartment.

When they walked out, the FBI agents lead them through the lobby. Fans were all around them, cheering and clapping. Harley snarled when she heard them question her like, "Who's the hottie?" Or "I guess she's the girlfriend."

Oh please. Harley thought as she continued to walk, Daniel and Jack sending her a sympathetic smile.


Harley waited in the room, staring at the one way window. Her wrists sore from the handcuffs, causing her to sigh loudly.

Harley, despite her handcuffs, climbed atop of the table looking at the window.

"Come out, come out wherever you are." She taunted like a crazy person. "Oh come on. I'm bored."

She sighed before climbing back down in her seat, getting as comfortable as she could.


As Daniel was going through the interrogation, he couldn't help but think about Harley. What she would say or do. How she was right now, if she was okay.

He found herself worrying about her at times, knowing that her cold facade was fake.

Jack on the other hand was asleep dreaming about who knows what. Causing agent Rhodes to sigh before moving to the next.


The door of the interrogation room opened, causing Harley to roll her eyes.

Alma Dray and agent Dylan Rhodes walked in, looking annoyed.

"Let me guess; you visited Merritt?" Harley teased, earning a glare from the man.

"So, Harleen Reeves." Dylan started, raising his eyebrows, "Twenty two years old. Female, obviously. Charged for assault and battery?"

"Yes." Is all that Harley said. "To be fair, the man was drunk."

"Interesting." Alma noted, "You don't seem to have remorse."

"Why would I? I was a twenty year old girl and he tried to -" She stopped herself, "I don't see how this is relevant."

"It's relevant because innocent or not, I could put you back in that prison cell." Dylan sneered.

"Oh no! Please don't put me back there." Harley faked panicked before snickering. "Even if you wanted to, you couldn't."

"Really? Why is that?" Dylan questioned, annoyed.

"Because that would mean that you would believe in magic. The press would go nuts and it'd bring even more attention to the four horsemen and I. So as Daniel would say, you have absolutely nothing up your sleeve." Harley argued, a smug look on her face.

Dylan chuckled dryly, "I meant to ask, what made you work backstage. I mean you have a pretty face and an obvious cocky personality. So tell me."

"I felt as if it was the wrong time. Didn't want to live up to anyone's expectations." Harley explained before sighing.

"Moving on to your family." Dylan trailed off, "Sister of Henley Reeves. Interesting. Seems as if you ran away at young age. Why?"

Harley stared at them for a second, unsure of what to say. "My family has nothing to do with this. I think this interrogation is over."

"I'm sorry but you don't get a say in that." Alma replied.

"Well then I won't say anything at all." Harley said before looking at the one way window again, ignoring the two.

Eventually the two got fed up and left. Harley chuckled to herself as some agents told her that she could leave.

Getting into the vans, she slid in, staring out the window proudly.

"You okay?" Henley asked her sister.

"Fine." She smiled over at her, before they talked about their interrogations.


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