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"Merritt Mckinny," Harley heard being announce, "Daniel Atlas. Henley Reeves, Jack Wilder. Arthur Tressler and the MGM Grand proudly presents the Four Horsemen."

Harley sighed, watching them from back stage. Sure she really wanted to be up there, she was a great magician, she just thought now wasn't the right time to be famous.

"Thank you," Merritt said."Tonight we would like to try something that will set us apart a bit."

"For our final trick we're gonna do something never before seen on a Las Vegas stage." Henley said.

"Or any stage for that matter." Jack added.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Daniel spoke, "Tonight we are going to rob a bank." The applause roared in excitement. "That's a lot of excitement for a crime."

"I'm getting excited. What about you people?" Henley joined in.

"Okay, okay. Now please settle down. Now who here has a bank they would like us to rob?" Daniel asked.

Harley stopped listening in, the jealousy too much. She wanted to be on that stage so much.

She walked around the back of the stage, watching their magic trick.

"Yes that looks like three million or so euros worth. Okay now here's what we're gonna need you to do. I want you to take the card that you signed out of your pocket. And I want you to take the ticket stub from tonight's show and I want you to put it right there in the middle of the money." Daniel instructed causing Harley to scoff.

Always so bossy, she thought.

"Thank you everyone!" Danny yelled.

"We are the four horsemen." They yelled in unison.

"Five horsemen." Harley muttered underneath her breath.

"Good night."


Sorry this is really short. Next one will be better.

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