Chapter 2- choco cone

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It was already the third week of the month which means another monthly evaluation was coming.

But instead of coming up with a concept for your performance, you were lying on the floor of the practice room  ... still upset about how so close you were to get to debut but thanks to someone's "opinion" , it was held back and god knows when was that "next time" that YG was speaking of... It could be 2 years later? 4 year later??

You were so upset that you didn't even realized you just let out a big sigh.

"It was that Kim Han Bin's fault, isn't it?" Sindy, who was lying on the floor too, asked you in a serious tone.

" you think so too? " you asked her back.

Sindy rolled her eyes and said " if it wasn't his unnecessary negative comment on our performance, we wouldn't be stuck in here,cracking our brain just to come up with a concept for our next lame monthly evaluation that needs to satisfy everyone,".

"Whatever, I'll get over it. Hopefuly.." You said,trying your best to comfort yourself.

" umm should we teach him a lesson?" asked Sindy with a playful smirk.

After hearing what Sindy asked, you sat up straight and repeated after Sindy "Teach him a lesson? That guy who crushed iur dreams into pieces? Hell yeah. I'm in! But what's the plan? I don't think he is those type of person that can be fooled that easily tho". 

"he is smart but honey, everyone becomes a fool when they're in love," Sindy said while stroking your hair with a comforting smile on her face.

Feeling scared and confused. You asked Sindy, "in love? What? I don't get it?"

"Eye for an eye, tooth for a teeth, burn for a burn, a broken heart for a broken heart.." said Sindy while she was dancing around the practice room with all kinds of random ballet moves.

"So your point is?" you asked, slowly getting tired of Sindy beating around the bush.

"Well he destroyed our dreams so we're going to destroy him. The plan is to make him fall in love with you,HARD and when he did... You will break up with him and crush him. That's the only way he'll learn." said Sidney with an evil smile but her evil smile unfortunately turned out to a meme worth it kind-of-look.

You tried your very best not to laugh at Sindy's "evil smile" face and told her that her plan doesn't sound convincing at all.

"You never know until you try, trust me... A broken heart hurts more than you think and it could destroy him emotionally and physically. So we good?" Asked Sindy.

" That sound harsh but yes let's give it a try. He deserve it anyway," you said, thinking about the mean comment he gave to you and Sindy on your performance during last month's monthly evaluation.

*ting ting*
It was a text from Bobby .

"Tara ah, wanna have dessert In CARAMELLA @ 10pm? My treat "

"Sure, thanks Bobby! I'll go meet you @ the practice room later" You replied.
CARAMELLA is a place which serve the best dessert in town, especially their cheese cake and you and Bobby would always visit CARAMELLA whenever both of you are craving for some desert! 

It was almost 10pm already, you went down from your apartment and walked alone to YG building which was only a few blocks away from your apartment to look for Bobby in the practice room.

*go dumb and dumber dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb ..."

The song was so loud,you could already hear it even though you were still far away from the practice room.

When you finally reached the front door of the practice room, the music stopped and someone opened the front door.

"wow you're fast!" Bobby shouted in your face, trying to annoy you.

"Stop Bobby. Are you done?" You said with a straight face so Bobby would stop with all the teasing.

" Umm yeah almost. We just need to practice one more time. Why don't you come in and wait?" Asked Bobby.

Jinhwan shouted "Yeah c'mon. Just wait in here, we're almost done anyway,".

You nodded shyly. When you entered the practice room, you could felt the other members were staring at you. However,their staring game are not as strong as Kim Han bin's. Kim Han Bin's stare are so strong that he could literally stare into your soul.

You went to sit at a corner and quietly watched them practice. As usual, Bobby slayed so hard for his parts in the song even though it was just a normal practice. You can't help but smiled at the thought of bobby being all cool and swaggy on stage but he is actually a really warm hearted and cute guy in real life. Slowly, you moved your eyes away from Bobby whom you had been paying a lot of attention to ever since the song started playing.

You were just watching them dancing and then out of no where, your eyes met Kim Han bin's and that "revenge plan" you agreed to do with Sindy suddenly popped up in your mind.

You looked away,feeling a little guilty.
"Alright I think we're done. Junhoe ah,just don't drop the mic when you are doing the flip," hanbin said while looking at junhoe.

Not long after that, everyone had finished packing and they were ready to go back to their dorm but Han Bin insisted to stay back to finish up his work. The members tried to persuade Han bin to leave but he still insisted to stay so they all left.

Bobby said to you acting cute "Alright I'm done. Let's goooo Tara!! I'm so hungryyyyy," making you dying of laughter.

Bobby and you were about to leave the room but you took one last glance at Han Bin who was sitting in front of the computer alone and thought this would the perfect chance to start your revenge plan.

" Hey b.i. Do you want to go with us?" You asked,hoping he will say yes so you could get to be friends with him tonight and start your revenge plan as soon as possible.

"No thank you. I need to finish up this song," Han Bin answered without moving his eyes away from the computer screen.

What? Is he playing hard to get? Lol okay fine

"Hey just come Han bin ah! Tara already asked you, how could you reject a girl's offer especially when that girl is my Tara," Bobby said to Han bin.

Your heart flustered at what Bobby just said. You are his Tara. "Sigh what are we Bobby ah" you thought in your mind.

"and oh they have Chococone there too,for your information," Bobby added.

After hearing what Bobby said, Han bin's eyes finally moved away from his computer screen and he turned around to face you and Bobby. "let's go" he said while grabbing his beanie and jacket with him.

"ALRIGHT LEGGO" Bobby shouted excitedly.

"Will tonight be the night I made friends with Han bin? I need to get closer to him first in order for the plan to succeed. I have to," you thought in your mind.

With that, three of you walked together under the street lights to the dessert place that was only a few blocks away from the YG building.

Okay I'm sorry if this chapter is boring. I'm just trying to let the readers to get a better idea of how this whole revenge plan things goes.

Will Tara able to make friends with hanbin & carry out her revenge plan as planned?

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