Chapter 21 - will you forgive me?

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How is it?" You asked, nervously as you took a sip of your iced tea.

After all the busy schedules for the preparation for your debut album , Sajangnim decided to give you girls a day off to rest and so you five decided to hang out at a nearest cafe.

"That was so ... good omg" Sindy answered, wholeheartedly.
"This is the song I'd definitely listen to everyday, I swear but of cause, it'd be better if I have a boyfriend to share this song with," Hanna said.

"Omg! I love this song! Is it going to be featured on ikon's album?" Sua asked, as she took a bite of Hanna's sandwich.

"Omg, I am so glad you girls like it! Hanbin said it is going to be on ikon's album. However, it's not confirm yet cause we are still waiting for the approval of Sajangnim," you answered.

"But it's a love ballad right so what are the chances he will approve it? Let's not expect too much,"You said, sounding bitter.

"Hey!! Don't be so discourage. Who knows, he might like it and approve it. We never know what is going to happen," Nina comforted you.

You smiled weakly and shrugged your shoulders, hoping that things would turn out like how Nina said.

"It's okay, hanbin said if Sajangnim did not approve this song then we'd just keep this as our own love song," you laughed, feeling embarrassed.

"Aww, you two love birds," Hanna teased.

"You know, Tara .." Sindy said, in a serious tone all of a sudden.
"If you do not want to break up with Hanbin, you can just continue this relationship and pretend the plan never happen. You might not notice this but I can really see how deeply in love you two are with each other at this point right now and breaking the relationship is not going to benefit anyone at all," Sindy continued, as she held your hands in hers.

"I am really sorry, I really shouldn't have forced you into doing this whole silly revenge plan in the first place," Sindy apologized.
"Just geez, what was I thinking," Sindy apologized again as she closed her eyes and let out a sigh.

"Hey, hey," you said softly as you put both of your hands on each side of Sindy's shoulder.

"Look, you didn't force me to do this okay! You asked and I didn't say no. I could have reject your offer but I didn't so it's not solely your fault," you comforted Sindy.

"We were still young and naive at that time," you said.
"And yeah sure I'd love to keep this relationship running as long as possible, better forever if I could and it'd kill me if I have to break up with him now... no, in fact it'd kill both of us... because we are so deeply in love with each other but I have to," you continued, as you felt a lump in your throat.

"This whole thing is basically a scam and I don't want to live in this lie forever. I am sure he won't be able to forgive me if I tell him the truth but I just don't want to lie to him again," you let out a sigh as you finished what you wanted to say.

"I can explain to him! He will forgive you I am sure," Sindy offered.

"No, it's fine. Don't worry, I will take care of it myself!! Come on guys let's finish the cake and move on to our destination," you said cheerfully, trying to ease away the tension.

"Yeah, ikr! Let's finish the food and head to our next destination! I haven't watch a movie in cinema since forever," Sua said as  she squeezed your hand under the table  to give you strength.

Later that night, a lot of things have came to your mind.
You wonder how things would turn out to be if you say 'no' sindy's plan in the first place....
You wonder if you would still have a crush on Bobby now ...
You wonder if hanbin didn't help you with your performance on your final evaluation, would you have been able to succeed?

*ring* *ring* *ring*
It was a missed call from hanbin.

You wiped away your tears that you didn't know was there and cleared your voice as you call back hanbin.

"Hey, babe," hanbin said, sounding sad.
"Hey, what's wrong?" You said, trying to comfort him while you yourself are dying on the inside.

"Our song .... our .." hanbin said, unable to finish his sentence.
"Our song didn't get approve?" You asked.
"Yeah ..." hanbin answered weakly.

"Hey, it's fine! Then this song could be our own little secret," you comforted him.
"As long as the process is fun while making this song then it's fine! It doesn't really matter if it gets to release or not, really." You continued.

"Yeah! Kwon tara! I know you're upset too. Don't worry, I will keep persuade him. We can release this song as a single or not I can include it in my solo album keke" hanbin joked but sound so serious at the same time.

"dae, Kim Hanbin producer-nim. I will wait for your solo album," you joked to keep up with him.

With that, the phone call ended.
Maybe the song getting rejected by Sajangmin is a sign for you, maybe you both were not meant to be together in the first place.

"Wah, I can't believe we're having our date in the company's cafeteria," you said as you put a spoonful of kimchi fried rice into your mouth.

"Ahhh, minhae!! I still have a lot of work to finish up for the album so this is the only place that i could think of that is nearest to my studio," he apologized as he did acted cute.

"Please, stop using aegyo on me, it doesn't work," you said as you try to control your facial expression because damn,his aegyo was killing you.

"Hanbin ah.. I am just curious,really. Can I ask you a question?" You asked, nervously.

"What's it? You want to have a bite of my baked cheese bread?" Hanbin asked, jokingly.

"No! I am serious!" You said as you laughed at how silly his jokes are.

"Okay I am sorry, yeah go ahead," he said.
" Will you ever forgive me if I did you wrong?" You took in all the courage that is left in you and asked the question.

"Of cause! You're the person I love the most after my mum and my sister," he said.

"No, really. What if I really did you wrong and hurt you? Can you really forgive me?" You asked again in a serious tone.

"Well.... it depends really," hanbin finally said out the truth.
"It depends how hurt I am and how bad you did me wrong," he admitted.

"Hey, seriously! Why did you keep asking that question? What did you do? Do you keep something behind my back? You went to the club with Junhoe last night without telling me right?" Hanbin asked.

"What? What are you talking about? That was Hanna not me," you said.

"Hhaha I know I was just teasing you," he said.
"Anyway, don't worry too much. I know you will never do me wrong," he said as he smiled at you and held your hand in his.

You smiled back weakly.

Sorry hanbin, I did you wrong.

Hey ppl I am back again!!
Guess I am writing another later if I have the time!

Hope u guys like this chapter !

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