Part One

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3198 A.Y.

Everything stopped when the ballroom doors were thrown open. The musicians fell silent, dancers froze in their steps, and conversation ceased entirely. Everyone was staring at the entrance stairway where Ashen of Azure descended.

When she reached the main floor of the grand room, the nearest men abandoned their partners and rushed at the newcomer. Each nobleman desperately vied for her attention, shoving each other out of the way in their attempts to be closest to her. No one seemed to notice how hers and the prince's eyes had met from across the room.

The Crown Prince of Viridian leaned forward in his throne, his dark eyebrows raised. He was a handsome man, with tan skin, short almost black hair, and dark eyes to match. As such, he was accustomed to beautiful women. What did shock him was the color of the maiden's dress, a light blue, the color of the empire's greatest enemy.

A collective gasp echoed through the room when the prince stood, his green cloak fluttering as its hem hit the floor. The ball had started hours ago, and despite the attempts to persuade him otherwise, the prince had remained on his throne. Now, though, he abandoned his seat and crossed the ballroom. The crowd parted, stepping back to give him a clear path to the newcomer.

"I believe this poor woman has had enough," he called out, his face spreading into a lazy smile. "There are plenty of other lovely maidens. I see no need to harass this one."

Grudgingly, the suitors returned to their disgruntled partners, but the dancing did not resume. Everything remained still and silent, the people of Viridian anxious to see whether the prince would attempt to claim the woman for himself. Ashen could sense the tension, and, in an effort to ease it, smiled back at the monarch.

The prince's eyes seemed to glisten, as did those of many of the males in the room. There was a subtle blue glare over each pair of eyes as they stared at the woman. She suppressed a smirk.

Her spell had worked.

"I apologize for the behavior of my people," he said, kissing her hand. When he bowed, a thin, long scar was visible on his forehead, the only blemish, and a minor one at that. Ashen focused on it, though, rather than his face. She had seen the mark before, which made tearing her attention away difficult.

The prince continued, "You would think they were a pack of wolves rather than the finest gentlemen in Viridian."

Tilting her head slightly, Ashen smiled. A lock of her hair strayed into her face. She carelessly brushed it aside, saying, "Do not apologize for the behavior of others, even your own people. You seem to be minding yourself."

"Yes, but I know not how long I can hold off when I am in the presence of such a lovely young woman."

"I am sure you will try," she replied.

"In vain, perhaps."

"Perhaps," she agreed. She smiled again. "I suppose you are Prince Emlen, future Emperor of Viridian, the esteemed Pirate Slayer. That is quite a title."

"Yes, but I am far more interested in what title you possess, milady."

With a slight laugh, she replied, "I am no royal, nor noble, and have no title to my name. I would not care to, anyhow. It seems so tiresome, having such a terribly long string of words to accompany a rather short name."

Emlen chuckled. "What then, may I call you, if you have no title?"

Smiling, she said, "Most do not get a chance to call me anything, and when they do, it is usually unrepeatable, but I suppose Ashen will do."

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