Part Twenty-Two

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The lessons with Natalya were not as bad as Ashen thought they'd be. Most of the time they just talked about their lives. As she'd said, Natalya was extremely interested in hearing about Ashen's travels. Ashen still couldn't tell if her cousin suspected the truth about her relationship to George. Sometimes she would ask a question about Ashen's having been kidnapped. When Ashen deflected, an odd expression crossed Natalya's face. Hopefully, she wouldn't realize anything before they reached shore. It wouldn't matter what she knew or not once Ashen broke George free.

Ashen had been taking her meals in her room or Smiegal's the past three days. Twice she let her stepfather convince her to eat in the galley with everyone else. The meals were about as enjoyable as her first with the family. Veida hadn't had another incident, but she ignored Ashen completely. Alena kept pestering her for details about Markael, which Ashen refused to give her. Nikolai tried to strike up conversation with her, and Nadya insisted on talking about dress fashions and East Siennian silk. Ashen had grown to appreciate and actually enjoy Natalya's company, but she wished she could talk to Smiegal. He still hadn't woken up and she was getting worried. She'd spent most of her time in his cabin. Not only was it harder for her stepfather to find her, she was also able to watch over her friend.

Gritting her teeth, she flung another dagger at the wall. She'd had to make a new target so as not to completely destroy the wood at the center of her previous one. This one was already mostly chipped away at the bullseye. If only she could shoot that well. Jag had tried to teach her years ago, right before and right after her mother's death. At first the lessons were just an excuse for him to flirt with her. After her mother died, though, she had been focused on killing Emlen. She'd hoped to learn how to use a bow so she wouldn't have to get close to do so. As Jag often said, she was a horrid shot. The bow was just too clunky, and the arrows never went where she wanted them. She was better off with blades.

"You're okay," a voice said hoarsely.

Ashen dropped her dagger and turned around.

"Smiegal!" she exclaimed, turning around to look at him. His eyes were open, but barely.

"You're okay," he said again. This time it sounded more like a question.

Nodding, she assured him, "I'm fine."

He sat up abruptly. "Where are we?"

"The Azurian ship," she said, placing a hand on his shoulder. She tried to lay him back down, but he leapt out of bed.

"Where is George? Are he and the crew okay?"

"What do you remember?"

"Ashen, where are they?"

"In the brig."

He ran for the door, but she jumped to her feet and positioned herself in front of him.

"They're fine, Smiegal. You need to stay calm."

"Stay calm? Ashen, we need to escape."

"Smiegal, I spoke to George. I have a plan for escape. This plan that requires you lay back down and not go rushing off to do something stupid."


"Smiegal, please, trust me," she said, putting her hands on his shoulders. He sighed. Reluctantly, he let her push him back onto the bed. She tried to make him lie down, but he insisted on sitting upright.

She crossed her arms. "You're supposed to be resting."

"This is me resting. Now tell me what's going on. How long was I out? Why are we still here?"

"Five days. George made a deal to protect the crew," Ashen explained. "After they're released in East Sienna, he will confess to kidnapping me."

"He can't do that!"

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