Part Seven

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Ashen was not in heaven, nor hell. In fact, it seemed she was not dead. When she opened her eyes, she was still lying on her ship in a pool of blood. She tried to lift her head, but it still felt like an anvil. With a gasp, she felt the pain of her injuries once again. Someone cried out. Was it her? Or was Smiegal still screaming at people.

Both, it seemed, were the answers. She was in a great deal of pain, she now realized. Smiegal was furious. About . . . something . . . she was still disoriented.

"Ashen," Smiegal exclaimed, realized she was awake. "I thought we lost you."

"You still might, she groaned. "How did . . . the medic . . . of course."

"Aye," he agreed. "The bloody son of a rick finally showed up."

Sighing, Ashen let herself go limp.

"Where is he now?" she asked.

"He went to get better bandages."

"Just great," she muttered.

"At least your sarcasm still works."

"I would hit you if I had the strength."

"Which is why I am enjoying this immensely."

"You did not seem to be enjoying it when you were screaming at everyone."

She could not see his face, but the silence that followed her statement told her he probably looked solemn.

"I was worried about you."

"Of course you were," she said. "I am not making fun of you . . . yet."

A smile pulled at the edge of his mouth.

"Why are you trying to make me laugh when I am trying to worry about you?"

"Worrying accelerates the aging process," she replied. "You have enough trouble with that as it is."

He laughed that time. "There you go. You happy?"

She tried to grin but her face hurt. Or was it just too numb? She was having enough trouble talking as it was.

"Ashen!" George's voice exclaimed. She heard footsteps, then he appeared above her.

"You are a little late," Smiegal stated.

"I was talking to Ileo; that's the medic, Ash."

"Using my nickname again. I need to murder and almost get murdered more often," she muttered.

"That is not fair."

"It is fair," Smiegal snapped. "I am the one who has been protecting her the past six years. Where were you? Suddenly she gets hurt and you decide you want to be involved? Actually, no, I had to force you to get involved to begin with."

"I've been there for her," George said, unable to hide the defensiveness from his tone.

"No, I have," Smiegal said angrily. "You have practically cut yourself off from everything and everyone these past six years!"

"My wife died," George snapped. "A huge part of my life, someone I knew my entire life and loved for nearly that was murdered! That does not just go away because you want it to!"

"But it's been six years!" he exclaimed. "You have spent years of your life mourning a dead woman! Your daughter is here, alive, and she almost joined your precious Arrow! What about your sons? When is the last time you even saw them?"

"I saw Jonian seven months ago," George told him.

"And Markael?"

"He doesn't want to see me."

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