Part Thirty-Two

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Smiegal unsheathed his sword as Ashen advanced towards him. She slashed at him with one of her glass blades. He brought up his metal one just in time. As they parried, Smiegal kicked her in the stomach, sending her sprawling backwards.

"Traitor!" she screamed. "You bloody traitor!"

"I thought we could so this civilly," he said. "Clearly not."

"What is civil about murder?" she spit out, slashing at him again.

Leaping back, he replied, "The corruption had to end somewhere, Ash."

The nickname would not work this name. The fact that he thought it would after everything he had done made her even angrier.

"Ashen, I don't want to hurt you," he insisted.

"Good," she snarled. "Because I want to kill you." She lunged forward, plunging her sword at his chest. Her pendant heated and the blade went through, the metal contorting. Blood trickled around her sword. She yanked it out.

"I'll have to do this the hard way then," he muttered. He lashed out, kicking her legs out from under her. As she went down, she wrapped her legs around his and slammed him to the ground, using him to break her fall. She slammed her head into his. A line of blood appeared on his forehead. She was probably bleeding too, but she couldn't feel it.

So this is how Markael feels, she thought. So full of fury and energy his pain just vanishes.

She raised her sword, trying to stab him in the neck. He raised his arm, slamming her elbow and sending her sword flying away from her. In turn, she punched him in the face again, hard. She dropped her other sword voluntarily, pressing her hands down on his neck.

"Hard way then," she snarled. His face began to turn red. Then his knee came up and slammed her in the side. She fell back, releasing him and landing on the ground. The moment she thought of them, her swords flew into her hands. She plunged them down where his head had been, but he rolled out of the way.

"Ashen, please, I know you agree with me."

"Really? Then why am I trying to kill you?" She swung at him again. In his effort to get away, she missed his neck, but sliced down. A line of blood followed her sword from his shoulder to his forearm.

"I am telling you. They were all murderers. The Siennians murdered a baby, a child."

"Then send them to ruddy jail," she snapped, placing her sword against his throat. He kicked her in the stomach, sending her sprawling backwards. She gritted her teeth.

"Why? I hear hell is lovely this time of year."

"When we're done here, you'll be able to see for yourself."

He punched her in the shoulder, and it wasn't their playful punching from before. The blow left her staggering.

"Smiegal," she said, trying one last time to get him to see sense. "Smiegal, this is never going to work! Things aren't going to change, especially not if you try to force them."

"At least the royals won't be able to hurt anyone anymore."

"No, you'll be doing that for them."

His fist slammed her face. She stumbled backwards.

The cold of steel pressed against the back of her neck.

"Kill him and I separate you from your favorite head," Markael hissed. Ashen swore. She hadn't heard him come down the ladder, too concerned with her fight with Smiegal.

It only took her a second to realize that Markael couldn't actually decapitate her, not from his position. Ashen whirled around, the blade nicking her skin. She made a shoving motion with her hand, counting on raw magic to send him flying backwards.

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