Part Twenty-Six

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When the ship docked in East Sienna, Ashen was relieved. She hadn't left her cabin since the Flying Saints' attack. Over the past two days, Alena had tried to convince her to have meals with everyone, but Ashen refused. Nadya had visited twice to ask Ashen what sort of dresses she wanted made in East Sienna. There was a dress shop in East Sienna the royals had visited during their last trip to the kingdom. Nadya claimed it made the finest gowns. Ashen had carried on the conversation for a little while. Her answers mostly consisted of nothing fancy and nothing too hot. The Siennan continent was mostly desert, which rendered the Azurian's wool dresses and fur-lined cloaks obsolete.

Smiegal had also tried to talk to her. Speaking through the door, he still thought she should go see Markael.

"Talking to him might do you some good," Smiegal had told her. Again, Ashen had asked him to leave. He came back a few more times after that. Each time she shut him down.

To Ashen's disappointment, Natalya hadn't woken up yet. According to Alena, she likely would not until they arrived in East Sienna. Ashen wished she could talk to her cousin. She didn't think Natalya would try to talk about Markael, or about dresses. Her cousin knew enough about Ashen's time after leaving Azure to know that both were sore subjects.

Nikolai, however, had woken up. He had not objected to her decision to release her crew. In fact, when he visited her in her cabin earlier that morning, he seemed impressed. Ashen had been expecting an argument. Instead, he'd complimented her on her solution to the problem with the ships. At least he seemed to be playing nice. It would be easier to break out George if her stepfather and she were getting along.

It was nearing the evening when someone knocked at her cabin door. Expecting it to be Smiegal or Alena, Ashen opened it hesitantly. To her surprise, Veida stood in the hallway. Ashen had only seen her a few times during the past week. They hadn't spoken since Ashen's first night on board.

Stiffly, Veida said, "Natalya is awake."

Ashen grinned. "Great! May I see her?'

Veida nodded. "Mother has requested the four of us go to shore. She says we need new dresses for tonight's dinner with the East Siennian royals."

Frowning, Ashen asked, "We're having dinner with the royals tonight? Natalya just woke up."

"That is my mother for you," Veida replied coldly. "She would much rather us all look good than be fully healed." Ashen blinked. Her cousin's statement surprised her. Aunt Alena had seemed to care deeply for her children. Of course, she had only known her aunt for a week, really. She barely remembered her from Azure. Veida, however, had known her for twelve years.

Before Ashen could say anything else, Veida turned to leave.

"Wait!" Ashen exclaimed. The princess spun on her heel, eyebrows raised.


Ashen brushed a strand of hair from her face. "Never mind."

"What?" Veida asked irritably.

"I just . . . I've been here for a week and we haven't really gotten to know each other. We're family. I thought that maybe we could talk."

Ashen wasn't quite sure why she wanted to talk to Veida. A week ago, she hadn't cared about the girl at all. But, somehow, her cousin looked so much like her brother in that moment. They had the same blue-grey eyes. Maybe she thought talking to Veida would ease the pain of Markael. Two days and her heart still ached. She could not get the images of what he'd done out of her head. At night, she dreamed of her grandparents and what it must have looked like when he killed them.

"I do not want to talk to you," Veida said, crossing her arms. "You are taking the throne away from Natalya."

Ashen blinked. "That's what you've been upset about?"

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