Part Forty-Five

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          Ashen kept a hand on her blade as she followed Markael down the palace steps. Like at the door, she'd insisted he lead. He hadn't balked at her request. He hadn't said a word since they'd left the throne room. His uncharacteristic silence unnerved her more than any attempt to kill her would have. She stayed eight feet behind him as they descended the stairs. Despite their temporary truce, she still feared he might whirl around and skewer her with his blade. Or, he would shove her over the bannister. She doubted the ice would maintain her weight. She gripped the railing with her free hand. The cold bit into her fingers. Gritting her teeth, she carefully made her way towards the lower levels. Her eyes remained locked on Markael. If he did try to double-cross her, she wasn't about to be taken by surprise.

          He reached the bottom only slight ahead of her. When he reached the third stair from the floor, he jumped, skipping the final two. Ashen recognized the action as one he—and Arrow and she—had done on numerous occasions. It meant he was restless.

          So was she. Ashen had spent weeks anticipating a fight with Smiegal. Now she didn't know where he was or if she could ever track him down.

          It wasn't that she'd wanted a fight, although she had. She wanted to hurt him; she wanted to punish him for what he had put her and her crew through. She wanted him to suffer for dragging her father and her into his petty vendetta. His crusade had put George in danger. Jonian as well. He was married to the princess—no, the queen—of East Sienna. His daughter would be next in line after Selanca. Smiegal may have spared them, but there was no guarantee the rest of the Kingslayers would follow his example.

          Like Markael, she leapt over the final few steps and landed on the main floor. Her brother moved towards the open doors at the other side of the entry hall. The guards who had stood watch only an hour before had gone. Had the Kingslayers lured them from their posts? Had Markael killed them?

          She shook her head. Though she wouldn't have put it past her brother, she knew his murders were messy. There was no sign of struggle or death in the impeccable room. Ashen suspected the guards had gone to fight the Kingslayers. The revolutionaries must have gotten past the main gates. When the guards rushed to meet them, Markael slipped into the palace. Since Markael had come inside alone, the Kingslayers must still be in battle with the guards and the Viridians. If the Viridians were still in the fight. Markael had promised Peder was alive but she didn't know in what state he might be.

           "How many men do you have outside?" Ashen asked, quickening her pace to catch up to him.

          Markael shrugged. "Forty or so. None of mine or Rycroft's."

          So, he'd left his own men back at his ship. Made sense, she'd done the same. Now she knew there was little loyalty between him and those fighting outside. There was a chance he might abandon them after George was free. He had implied he'd only kept helping the Kingslayers because the Frost Weavers had George. If he did continue to aid their revolution, she would have to stop him. But what would she do if he didn't join back with Smiegal and his allies? What would he do? Undoubtedly, he would return to the Flying Saints. She couldn't very well see him returning to The Jolly Roger. Not that she would let him come back even if he wanted to.

          Or would she, if it meant most of her family was back together? It was what she'd wanted for years. Would she really ruin what may be her one chance to reunite them? She stifled a groan. She didn't know what to think anymore. How she wished for the days when things were easy! Ashen missed knowing whom to trust and whom to hate. She missed the simplicity of her old life. She missed her mother, missed how George and Markael used to be before Arrow's death, missed a life of relative peace. What would she sacrifice to get at least some of that life back?

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