Part Forty

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Ashen's lips parted when the capital came into view. It was a city of glass and snow, every surface glittering under the light of the setting sun. From their place at the top of a nearby hill, Ashen could just make out the palace at the city's center. It, like most of the buildings surrounding it, was made almost entirely from ice. Not the wisest decision structure-wise, but it was beautiful. Jag snorted in disgust. She resisted the urge to glance at him. They hadn't spoken in nearly an hour. She hadn't spoken to Peder either, not since their discussion about Smiegal.

"Why do you hate this place so much?" Ashen whispered, leaning towards Jag.

"Why do you hate Azure?" he replied.

Running her fingers along the sharp edges of her pendant, Ashen asked, "Did they do something to your parents?"

He scowled. "They do something to everyone's parents."

So, that was a yes.

"Was it when they came for Kali?"

Jag turned to face her.

"Could you just drop it?" he snapped. "I never once asked you about Azure or your family. Don't I deserve the same courtesy?"

Ashen crossed her arms and fell silent. She wanted to tell him that this wasn't like Ebony. His knowledge of the Frost Weavers and his history with them might be important. He had never needed to know about Nikolai or anyone else in her family. If he had, then she would have told him. She would have told him everything, or, at least, enough not to put him at risk. He was the only one with information that might help her protect her father.

Frowning, Peder glanced at Ashen. "Who, exactly, is Kali?"

Ashen blinked. When Jag hadn't mentioned Kali's visit to Peder during their time on the ship, Ashen supposed he hadn't wanted the Viridian to know about her. Now, though, Jag didn't voice any objections. Peder should know, if only to be prepared.

"His sister," Ashen said quietly. Jag didn't move, didn't react.

Peder's good eye narrowed. "His sister is a Frost Weaver?"

"One of the best."

The three of them tensed when the female Frost Weaver spoke. Peering back at them, she added, "Kali is a member of our council as well, only the most powerful in our ranks are permitted a position."

What a subtle way to slip in how powerful she was, too.

"Really," Jag said, "and here I always thought you were ranked by cruelty."

"Sorry to disappoint you," replied the Weaver in a voice that didn't sound particularly sorry at all.

No one spoke again until they reached the capital's gates. Ashen noticed they, like the rest of the city, were made of ice. Whether that was stable, she wasn't sure. It seemed rather thick, and if she could make glass swords, why couldn't a wall of ice work? Besides, the capital was further protected by six Frost Weaver guards stationed by the main gates. Even if someone managed to break through the wall, the Weavers could hunt down the intruder.

At least, Ashen hoped they could.

"Mistress Yinala," one of them said when the sleigh stopped. Each of the guards gave a small bow to the councilwoman.

"Open the gates," the woman—Yinala—ordered. "Send a message to the council that Ashen of Azure has arrived." She paused. "Tell them that Jagan Daye has returned with her, along with several allies."

The guard nodded, then glanced at the others. Together, they dragged open the gates. Two then stepped into the city and headed towards the center building, likely going ahead to take Yinala's message to the council. After a few moments, Deva flicked the reigns. The horses trotted past the gates. The remaining two guards closed them once the sleigh had gone through.

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