Part Twenty-Eight

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"This is your friend, Jonian?" Alena asked, turning to Ashen.

Brother, she thought. Aloud, she said, "Yes."

Joyfully, the queen exclaimed, "Why did you not tell me he was the prince consort? What fine connections you have!"

Nikolai glared at the king. "How could you trust your daughter to the company of a criminal's son? Captain George is a pirate, a kidnapper, likely a rapist, and possibly a murderer! His son is likely no different"

"Our business is none of yours," the king stated. Nikolai huffed. Ashen glared at him. He knew that Jonian was Arrowena's son. Had he deduced that he was George's with her? Or did he simply want to make Jonian look bad.

"What have they said?" Nevae asked Peder. Smiegal leaned forward and translated for her before their cousin could.

Ashen turned her attention back to her own brother. Slowly, Jonian sat down. She could tell he was trying to avoid their stepfather's judging gaze. Not that Jonian would consider Nikolai his stepfather. He already refused to acknowledge Arrow as his mother.

"Really," Nevae murmured. Ashen glanced at her and Smiegal and could not help but wonder how much Smiegal had just told her. She shook her head. If she could not trust Smiegal . . . she did not want to think about what would happen then.

"Why, boy, did you never try to rebel against your father?" Nikolai demanded. "Surely you could have released the queen and her children."

"Oh, yes, because a twelve-year-old has so much fighting capability," Jonian retorted.

"You could have done something!"

"I recall you doing absolutely nothing to help your wife," Jonian shot back. "You treated her horribly, then blamed George when she left you for—"

"Jonian," Ashen snapped. Her brother trailed off.

"How could you befriend the son of your kidnapper?" Nikolai asked her gruffly. Ashen rolled her eyes.

"Because she was not kidnapped," Jonian answered angrily. His wife put a hand on his shoulder. She whispered something in his ear. Ashen could not hear it, but she knew it must have been important, because he quieted immediately. He remained rigid in his chair, evading Nikolai's gaze.

"Well, this has been quite entertaining," Nevae said, "but I have come a long way and think it is time for the dinner to begin."

Turning to the Siennians, Peder translated for her. Ashen tried to keep away from his gaze. Despite her efforts, as his good eye turned away from King Wekesa, he noticed her.

Recognition did not cross his face, but his focus did linger on her more than it did on anyone else.

That could not mean anything good.

King Wekesa waved for a servant to come out with the mead. No one said a word until the drinks arrived.

Selanca, turning to Ashen, inquired, "What have you done of late?"

You probably don't want to know, Ashen thought.

The princess eyed her expectantly, as did Jonian. With a sigh, Ashen told them, "I visited Jade and Viridian several weeks ago. The crew and I made a stop in Ebony before heading to Carmine for a trade." She was not certain whether Selanca would understand, but Jonian undoubtedly knew exactly what she meant by the word "trade".

"And how did you come into Azurian company?" Jonian asked her. His expression was stern and he was not blinking. Ashen did not know how to interpret his behavior. Did he think she had betrayed George? Surely not.

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