Part Eleven

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Ashen's cousin frowned.

"Excuse me?" she asked again. Her face contorted with confusion.

"Yes," Ashen replied in Carminian, straightening.

She knew this was Nadya, the second born of the twins. Natalya had a scar running from the side of her forehead down her cheek to her chin. She had seen it before. Once. After Arrow's death, Ashen's younger brother Markael had run away to Azure to confront Nikolai. Ashen had followed on Jag's ship—the Jolly Roger could hardly be seen in Azurian waters. She had managed to convince her brother not to reveal himself to Nikolai and their relatives, though he had refused to return with her to Ebony. Her eyes watered as she remembered him and that day. He had been so angry. Enraged, in fact. He thought she betrayed him by getting in the way of his revenge. It was the last time she had seen her brother, and the first time she had seen her cousins.

"I was looking for the privy," Nadya explained. The princess reminded Ashen of Queen Alena. They both twirled a lock of hair when they talked, and their speech patterns were relatively similar. She even looked like her mother.

Nadya smiled, continuing, "Irrabelle said it was around here somewhere."

Ashen stepped away from the door, letting it close behind her with a click. Nadya's eyes flashed in the direction of the sound.

Before she could ask anything about it, Ashen said quickly, "Her majesty has you all turned around. You have stumbled into the servants' hall, miss. The royal privy is much farther in the opposite direction. Search for Ilstone, the head caretaker. He will be more than happy to steer you right to it."

"Thank you," Nadya replied with a smile. "How much do I pay you?"

Ashen almost smirked. Azurians paid the help tips when they went above or outside their job parameters. Most of the kingdoms, nations, and empires did not have the same policy. The Viridians actually used slaves, paying them nothing and treating them horribly.

That was hardly surprising.

"Nothing, miss," Ashen told her. "Tis my duty."

"I wish to do so anyway," the princess insisted.

With a slight smile, Ashen accepted a few coins. Carminian currency. They would be of great use once the crew got back to Ebony.

"Thank you, miss," Ashen said.

"No, thank you," Nadya whispered. Glancing down the hall surreptitiously, "This could have been quite embarrassing."

Ashen said nothing. She merely nodded as her cousin disappeared into the darkness. Once the girl was gone, her footsteps having retreated too far for either to hear each other, Ashen slumped against the wall. That was the closest she had been to any Azure, not just her family, in six years. Her father did not count; neither did her brothers.

Memories seventeen years old flooded her mind. She remembered the taste of Azurian snow, one of her best recollections of her parents' homeland. Ashen remembered the Yulemir festivals and traditions. That was the one time of year she and her real father could spend time together. Azure always threw a large ball in celebration after the beginning of the festivals. As princess, Ashen was forced to attend. George always accompanied her as her designated guard.

That memory made her smile.

Ashen also remembered the smell of her grandparents. Her grandmother always smelled of apple and vanilla. Her grandfather of peppermint. Lord Dorogoyev had a taste for striped peppermint canes. Most could only buy them during Yulemir, but his status and fortune guaranteed he always had a supply. Sometimes he would let Ashen smuggle some.

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