Chapter 2

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"Whoa men! Prepare for docking!" A voice screamed from one side of the ship, meanwhile the other worked frantic to adjust the sails, and prepare the anchor.

They had been travelling for nearly three weeks straight, battling rough waters before they began to calm, the blue sea surrounding them becoming a part of the wildlife inside of it. The familiar waving motion had almost become a sense of security and a lull to sleep as Rosaerys gazed off from the bow of the ship. They had spotted Dorne nearly seven days ago, the tall towers jutting in the sky. Rhoynish fashion they called it, something about the ancestral view of Dorne sparked a familiar twinge in her chest.

This was her first time in Westeros in 16 years, Rosaerys closed her eyes. The salty wind nipped at her nose, almost as though it was a playful child; whereas the sun beat down, feeling like she was just centimeters away from the flame. She adored the way it licked at her skin.

The ship had come to a stop, the shallow sound of water hitting both the dock and the side of the ship seeming to be just a gentle reminder that they had made it.

"Daario, let's go." She whispered, pulling her hood over her tendrils of light hair. They walked onto the dock; their luggage, along with the other 9 Unsullied, stood in almost a pack formation. Watching for any dangers that may harm their Queen.

"Are you sure you want to still do this?" Daario asked, pulling gently on her forearm, tugging Rose back.

"I have to; you said it yourself that this would set us up for the Throne." He faulted, eyes watching her gently before giving her a small nod. The pack continued.

Surrounding the dock had been various Dornish guards, dressed in headscarfs and tunics the colour of yellow sunflowers, and large ornate stars on boiled leather stamped on. Behind them sigils of a sun being pierced by a spear stood proud. Definitely the Martell's.

They waltzed past the guards, beginning to take the steps up to Sunspear. Their attention, however, was drawn back to the pairs of guards behind them, almost forming a line behind the Queen and her Unsullied. Daario's hand held onto his dagger, as they began ascending up the stairs leading to Sunspear. It was a tiring journey, yet as they reached the Gates, they saw the Mud and Straw houses surrounding them. It was a small town, something that definitely would not be considered a city in Essos.

Yet the people that wound through the streets were laughing, trading spices and delicacies to each other. Looking very much like the scenes of the trading market she had been to.

Their eyes turned towards the copper gates, falling upon the two standing guard of it. One raised his hand, and began motioning the guards behind them. Who poured around the obstruction like a yellow sea.

"This is Queen Rosaerys. Prince Oberyn wishes to discuss business." He must have been the leader of the group of guards as he stepped forward, and outstretched a wax seal stamped envelope.

The other guard watched as he took the letter from the leader and opened. His eyes scanning before nodding.

"Very well. Safe journeys to you Queen Rosaerys of House Targaryen." She gave a meek smile as the copper gates pulled open, a courtyard full of blood orange trees; beautiful, colourful flowers; and small valleys of water surrounded them. Rosaerys gasped, tugging her cloak closer to her body as she spun around.

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