Chapter 7

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Rosaerys let out a full bellied laugh as she caught herself on the banister, her tears flowing free from her eyes. She could not believe the prick that would be her future husband. How could he say that to Lord Yronwood?

Rosaerys burst back out with raucous laughter, as Oberyn stepped out red faced, a cheeky grin still displayed on his face. It was as though his mother had caught him with his hands in the kitchens, grabbing the snack he wasn't allowed before dinner. She let her head fall onto his shoulder, as he sat beside, her laughter soon dying down at his words.

"Did you see his face? I have never seen him so angry, not even when I had slept with his paramour." Paramour, just another reminder to Rosaerys that Oberyn would never be hers truly. Rosaerys stood, frustration building inside of her. Her arms crossing in front of her unconsciously.

"Rosie?" His dark eyes peered up, watching the way her eyebrows dipped every so gently, the way her mouth seemed to tighten. Anger raged in those indigo eyes.

"No, Oberyn. Please." Oberyn didn't understand, why had she changed in a whisper of a moment?

"Rosie what is wrong? I don't understand." Rosie whirled around, unshed tears pooling in her eyes.

"Of course you don't Oberyn, why would you?" A singular eyebrow quirked before he stood, stepping towards her softly, arms raised to show his innocence. She was in a moment of vulnerability, that was clear to him but why?

"Explain it to me Rosie, explain to me why you feel the way you do." The inner turmoil raged beneath her skin, clawing to let both sides escape. How could she tell him that since she first spoke to him, she had grown attached, that every moment since then was spent wanting his company, wanting to be his? She wanted to scream from the rooftops in frustration, letting that knotted ball loosen inside of her.

"Because you are not mine Oberyn! How am I supposed to explain to you that I don't want you paramour around, that I don't want you to fuck whores, that I want you to myself?" Oberyn stopped, watching the young Queen turn back to him, eyes releasing a stream of tears. She wanted him to be all hers?

Oberyn remained quiet, letting the silence wash over the two. His body slumping to the floor. "This is why I did not want to tell you, Oberyn. Because you will never be mine, you will only be Ellaria's and Dorne's." Her features became sullen as she lent opposite to him, her small hands grasping the table's edge.

"Now I know I've really cocked this up, so please, Prince Oberyn forgive me." With that she departed, slinking up the steps before closing the door to her room shut; her head resting against the dark wood.

She couldn't be strong, not for the life of her. Dorne was changing her, molding her to something she never wanted to be, and that was weak. Not only had she created something of a target for herself, but she was going to endanger their lives.

Rosie moved herself to the window seat, peeling the dress from her body before tucking her feet beneath her. The windows bursting free as she pushed on them, the salty air nipping at her nose. It reminded her of the house with the Red Door, home. She rested most of her weight on her two arms, leaning out just enough to see the lights below. They were like millions of fireflies, just frozen still in time.

How could Rosaerys have messed everything up so quickly? With an error that Viserys had told her time and time again not to make. How could she have been so stupid?

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