Chapter 17

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There are currently two dates listed in my bio where stories may not be updated, these are: May 2017 and September 2017; others may pop up but these are the definite ones so far due to final exams and starting university. Sorry for the rather long hiatus that has just occurred I had an exhibition, and mocks, and Christmas to worry about but for the time being updates will be regular.

Thanks for the support so far, :*

Chapter 17

Oberyn hated travelling by horse and car, but it was his only option on such short notice. He had taken the quickest route, leaving him with only a weeks travelling time even by allowing the horses to drink and rest just like the rest of the guards. It gave him time to think, time to plan what he was going to say.

Oberyn was flabbergasted at the reaction from both of his girls; his daughter, his sweet, sweet daughter. It physically pained him seeing her so distant from him and so sad, he felt useless and idiotic but he needed to do this, he had to see Ellaria, to explain.


He stood gazing up at the Water Gardens, the structures so similar in fashion to the Old Palace yet so different at the same time. The pale pink marble stretching across the floors, with terraces gazing from the windows and the orange trees lining across. Candles were lining the walls as the darkness loomed above his head, small silvery stars lining the sky above him. Oberyn slipped across the threshold, into the warmth of the foyer before stretching across the house where he knew Ellaria would be, their bedroom.

He knocked on the painted door and waited. "Come in." She called, her voice muffled yet had the distinctive Dornish accent. Oberyn pushed on the door, the light filtering through the small gap before he entered, his eyes finding hers.

Ellaria had been stretched across the bed, her tumbles of dark waves that the girls had inherited rested across her bronze shoulders and fell across her back wildly. Her body had been covered in a thin silk tunic, tied around the waist. Her eyes widened, the shock registering in the dark hues. "Oberyn." It was a small statement as she flew from the bed, standing almost to attention with the rigidity of her back. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you." Oberyn wanted to be honest with her as he moved across the room, settling his body in a chair before resting his head in his hands, ashamed with himself.

Ellaria rose to, stepping quickly before stopping just short of Oberyn, eyes full of hope. "Why? Realise you made a mistake?" Her voice held an inch of nastiness to it, hinting at something worse on her mind. Oberyn didn't blame her, it was all his fault. Oberyn nodded before leaning back, his eyes shimmering in wetness.

"I made a big mistake, Ellaria, and I regret every minute after making it." Ellaria felt the hope rise to her chest, spreading from top to toe in warmth and love for her paramour. Ellaria knew Oberyn would come back to her, he always did. She crouched down, letting her hand rest on his shoulder and staring at him.

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