Chapter 25

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I would like to apologise profusely for the obscenity of this chapter, the scene of the episode required me to start to write it rather... rudely. If you do not want to ready that thing, and you are already familiar with said scene, you may skip it; I won't know if you do or don't, I'm not going to quiz you. There will be more after it, however, so kinda flicker your eyes through it if you're not comfortable. Thanks so much!!!!

I literally got so excited to write this short snippet of A Throne of Winter Roses for you that I want to share it now. This obviously won't be put in till later on in the book but the recent episode just made me want to write it now. So tadah!!!!! Also watch the video, it made me feel so many things for Jaime that my heart breaks and made me add a little bit in Chapter 25 itself. 


  "And what is it of you Jaime to judge what we do? To stand beside a Queen that is no better than my Grandfather. She murdered innocents in a Sept for her own gain, she murdered them and laughed; and all the while you turn a blind eye. You turn yourself on a girl who is the princess that is promised, that is believing that she can win this fight for the better. You say she is no better than Aerys but your own sister fulfilled what he couldn't; where's the knife in her back? Love will continue to blind you Jaime, love for that monster will kill you."   

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!END OF SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, Aerys is such a slut, I love it. 

Chapter 25

Rosaerys was back as the dye flooded the strands once more, the thick tumbling mess of curls kept back in a ponytail, her body free from almost everything but a single black dress with a ruby. She looked vulnerable, and beautiful, and dangerous all at once; a chaotic mess if Jaime Lannister had ever seen one. He knew instantly who she was the moment he laid eyes on her as she crossed the courtyard, free of her husband and free of the fakery.

She had only been six the last time he saw her, she watched what he did with open indigo eyes, the horror that had flooded with relief. He did it for her that day, for her and King's Landing - to save them from burning at the wildfire touch of the Mad King. Rosaerys becoming Aerys' tortured puppet as he made her watch while her father was absent, no one could save her from his twisted ways; the same way they couldn't save her grandmother at night when Aerys would visit.

Rosaerys had changed a lot, and to see her in the Capital on the arm of the Martell should have spiked danger - Jaime knew what she was capable of, the threat she could pose, but even here she seemed peaceful, in the walls of a place she had right to. Yet, watching the way her eyes swept the courtyard carefreely, a hint of a smile on her cheeks, he was reminded of the one promise he kept. To keep her safe, he may have failed the rest of them but he didn't fail her.

Rosie's eyes caught Jaime's, watching her with growing interest. She was the only one dressed in black, a show of mourning in solidarity to his sister despite hating his family; she knew what it was like. Rosie stood still, the two of them not breaking eye contact. She knew he knew, and he knew as she did.

The Noble Kingslayer hadn't changed much in the time since she last saw him, her gaze breaking away as they stared that second too long. Slightly older but still the tendrils of gold, and eyes of green - just like his sister but kinder. Rosie didn't hate him, she couldn't; no matter how hard she tried or pretended to.

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