Chapter 12

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"Oberyn, they need to be with their mother." It was Daenerys who had sat pleading with her heart throughout breakfast, lunch, and what was soon to be dinner. He wanted a moment of peace, away from the prying eyes of the Targaryen girl and her small council. It was hard enough being an outsider with Rosaerys around, let alone without her.

Oberyn sighed, his head falling into his hands. "I understand, Daenerys, but how are we supposed to allow them near her? They are bigger than the room itself." She paused before muttering a few words under her breath and leaving.

Rosie always saw her dragons as her children, but he couldn't allow them to be that close to her; not at such a fragile time. His feet shuffled against the hard floors, the little light filtering through the open windows.

It was beautiful here but it wasn't Dorne. He had seen most of Essos in his free years; travelling, drinking, and fucking, perhaps with the occasional fight. He has seen many corners of this world, and still - Dorne always called.

She was curled among the blankets, her eyes remaining closed except for a small slither of an opening yesterday. Her pale hair fanned around her face, becoming a halo. She looked ethereal. Oberyn had stayed by her bedside every day, only breaking for a brief consultation with the small council, and to update on her status. Thank the Gods for his brief training at the Citadel.

Oberyn shifted to the seat, his hands hovering over the crisp envelop that rested gently against the table. It was from his brother, Doran; although they had only left Doran had mentioned it was important on the front, and Oberyn wanted to make an effort.

With the rip of the small dagger that had permanently made its way onto his persons, he tore the envelop straight, the letter ready and waiting for his delicate fingers to pluck it from the grasp of the folded paper.

Oberyn followed, lifting it into his hands before pushing it open; the dark cursive already filling his eyesight.


Although last night I implored that you couldn't leave, you had. The Wedding Invitation of Joffrey and Margaery has made its way into our abode, and he requests my presence. Due to my illness I am unable to attend, and due to you being my last sibling and most trusted of all our family in terms of being able to handle yourself, I wish that you would fill my place.

They are already suspicious of our involvement with our Dragon Queen and I wish not to anger them any more, especially since they are in power currently. The wedding is scheduled for a few months time, so you will still have some time in Meereen before turning back.

Respond soon, and return safely.


Oberyn could barely believe the rough scribbles that marred his page, his brother wanted him to return in hopes of reigniting the ties they had to The Capital. He couldn't stand the golden Usurper scum that gripped the Iron Throne with their bloody claws, the same claws that slashed Elia. A growl rippled through the wind, it would take everything in him to hold some restraint over not killing them.

Besides, the Lannisters have never liked the Martells.

Grabbing the quill from the desk, he began.


Your letter couldn't have come at a worst time, Rosaerys has been poisoned and we aren't sure who it was. I believe it was the Lannisters but I don't wish to share this with the others. I am willing to take your place for the wedding, and I will return when Rosaerys is well; not before.

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