Chapter 23

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Here is the book cover for the next instalment so keep your eyes open^^

Just realised in the last few chapters I had said that she was from House Dalt, this is false; it remains to be House Dayne; I will edit through and change this before this chapter is posted but if any of it remains, please excuse 

Thank you!!

Chapter 23

Oberyn was right, as soon as they had stepped out of the rumbling carriage, their eyes fell onto the red streaked banners of the Lannister-Baratheon's; stretching as far as the eye could see. Aerys groaned, her back beginning to ache as Oberyn rubbed, the day stretching on. They moved side by side, happy to be with each other in the lion's pride, their eyes looking at every opulent display of wealth that was shown.

The trail to the open courtyard had been stained with a rich red, leading the way to the feast. Wooden lions and stags stood on pikes with golden roses decorating the stand. Aerys wanted to wretch at the overload but she kept it in, gripping onto Oberyn. "I wonder who paid for this." He muttered under his breath, his wife reaching up to capture every word. A firebreath walked past, the distinctive flare of fire rippling through the air. Aerys smiled.

"The Tyrells, that's why there's roses on everything; you wouldn't think Cersei would acknowledge Margaery's house unless she had to, do you?" Oberyn mused for a second before shaking his head, sensing his wife's knowledge. The trail soon was shaded by the large canopies in red, gold, and green; the area were long tables with food and plates had been set up around them, people mulling and laughing as they enjoyed the luxuries the feast had to offer.

Large cakes in similar colour to the canopies decorated the tables, stacks of grapes, and other fruits beside them before leading on to meats of all kind. Aerys' indigo eyes flittered around, noticing familiar faces that milled around; before settling back in front of her. Tyrion walked quickly, cutting across the Martells as Oberyn. "Hello." Oberyn said out loud, Tyrion looking over his shoulder at Oberyn who was focusing ahead.

"Hello." He offered back, Oberyn gaining a quick idea in his head as he focused on the Meereenese knotted girl in front of him.

"Not you." Aerys chucked a soft smile over her lover's back at Tyrion who shook his head, worry too deeply etched into it. She wanted to know why but her attention quickly turned back to the girl as Oberyn continued to watch. Even Tyrion's squire seemed interested in the girl as he followed after his Lord. "That's amazing," He muttered to the girl as his eyes roamed freely over the woman. "It's the first time I've seen someone perform it correctly in King's Landing." Oberyn admitted.

Aerys smiled softly, raking her hands through his hair. "I'm one of four who can do it, my Lord." The girl muttered happily, continuing to hold her pose.

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