Chapter 24

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They're basically doing it but I'm trying not to make it graphic, read at your own risk, it won't be until further down with the bathtub. 

Chapter 24

Sansa was gone, completely gone from the scene; Aerys eyes sweeping the feast for the redhead as Cersei continued to scream at whoever. Aerys met Bronn, who stood close to the Martells to scope out the girl too, their eyes never resting on her. Was Sansa behind this? No, Aerys highly doubted it; she was too soft of a woman to do that. "No one is to leave King's Landing!" Tywin called out as bells rang out around them, this time not in the joyous celebration.

Aerys trembled, if Sansa was found-

No, she couldn't think like that but she couldn't think of her gone either; this was wrong, this was all wrong. "Everyone back to their quarters immediately!" One of the Kingsguards said, as the initial panic had reduced, neither Martell talking as they walked wordlessly back to their rooms. Aerys was too much of a mess as she stepped into their room first, her body pacing back and forth tirelessly; her mind a dizzy.

Oberyn watched on with even eyes as he sat on the bed, the cushioned wood groaning slightly beneath him. "Oberyn, we need to go back to Dorne; if that can happen to a man at his own wedding, think about what can happen to us. It'll only be a matter of time before they start pointing fingers, and those fingers will be direct at you." He was the Red Viper, famous for poisoning and he had just so happened to show up for the wedding of a dead man whose family he hated. It would be a matter of hours before Tyrion was cleared, not only was he a Lannister but there was no proof he did it; not after filling it up from the same decanter that Tywin and Cersei drank from.

"We aren't safe here!" She pleaded, the indigo lost to wildness as she ran her hands through her hair. If anything happened to her husband, anything at all, she couldn't cope, she couldn't continue.

Oberyn captured his wife as she neared, his arms secure across her covered legs before winding them up to her face, standing with her, capturing the heart shape in the cup of his hands. "Re-lax." He drew out, the soft warmth from his breath fanning across her face comfortingly. Her eyes fluttered close, focusing on the soft of his hands. "If we leave now, that will make us look guilty; you underestimate Cersei's intolerance for her brother - he won't be getting out free." Oberyn admitted, watching as her brow dented softly. She didn't need the worry, it wasn't healthy for her or bump.

"But-" She began, the dent stretching across both of her brows.

Oberyn pressed his lips quick to hers, shutting her instantly as she pooled in his arms. "No buts, Rose." He whispered, the name sounding foreign to her ears but she smiled anyway. "You need to relax." He drawled out slowly, his head bending to her neck before kissing down like she had done days before. The thick knots that had formed in the soft flesh of her back began to soothe, falling to nothing than small ties. "Let me run you a bath." He muttered, tugging at the buttons of her dress before it slipped away, her arms instinctively reach up to cup at her nudity; Oberyn frowning. "No." Aerys eyes flew open as she gazed from the underside of her lashes, the sensitive smile on her face as she dropped them away, unashamed yet still nervous.

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