Chapter 5

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Ellaria Sand was the definition of a Dornish beauty; yet filled with the rage of a 1000 Dornish Soldiers. Despite her hair being in an elegant updo nothing could stop the few fly-away's that fell around her face and cupped it almost; her olive skin seeming to illuminate in comparison to the dark waves. 

The deep chocolate colour of her eyes; the brows were furrowed much further down than necessarily; venom quickly slinking into their hue at the sight of the pale girl beside Oberyn. 

Ellaria hissed, her hands forming rigid fists as she stalked forward, her eyes never once leaving Oberyn. How dare he bring his Dragon whore here, in her country, in her home with Oberyn! Just the touch of her name caused her blood to boil. 

"Mother, relax. Father has already explained that it is for political purposes; what are you so worried about?" The eldest of the Sand Snakes, Obara asked, a dagger twirling between her fingertips. 

Obara was too much like Oberyn; a skilled warrior with a fierce temper. Her dark hair had been pulled back, away from her face; her dark eyes so similar to Oberyn's were framed by thick lashes. 

"Political purposes my ass! Are you seeing the way he is touching her?" Obara rolled her eyes at the jealous paramour, choosing to place the dagger down and tug Ellaria's hand, motioning her to sit. The hateful eyes never once left the two. 

"He touches everyone that way. Ellaria, you are never this jealous; please, tell me why this one is so different." It was true; the pair were known for visiting Brothels where ever they went, not even brothels sometimes. Oberyn was famous for fucking half of Westeros and Ellaria didn't bat an eyelash; but this pale skinned Queen comes along and she's protective of what's her's.  

"It's nothing Obara, and I am not jealous." Obara raised both eyebrows before looking away. "I just don't want your father to get hurt." 

"He won't get hurt Ellaria, he can handle himself." Their eyes drifted back to their Prince; they were seated now, his hands moving, motioning, most likely telling her a story of his past. 

Oberyn hadn't been to their chambers in over a week; choosing to spend most of his time with the Dragon Queen than she. He claimed he was just attempting to help her feel welcome, but she saw through it. "You know what, this is ridiculous Ellaria; let's go over there." The paramour barely had time to protest as the much larger and stronger girl gripped onto her arm and pulled them over; stopping short of their table. 

Ellaria's glare turning from Oberyn to Obara. How dare she do this to Ellaria! 

"Ellaria, what are you doing here?" Oberyn began to question, seeing her stood beside his eldest daughter made his eyebrow quirk. 

"Obara thought it best if we made introductions; Rosaerys has been here for nearly a month yet none of your family know who she is." Ellaria's dark eyes drifted over to the young girl, almost half the age of herself; her eyes locking onto the Indigo ones. 

It was as though the calming blue undertones washed over Ellaria, silencing the quiet rage inside of her. She just wanted to embrace the girl, not rip her to shreds. She finally understood why Oberyn was spending so much time with her. 

Rosaerys was a beautiful woman, a captivating woman in fact; something that was otherworldly and innocent. A true Targaryen. Oberyn cleared his throat, the two girls turning towards him. 

"Ellaria, this is Rosaerys Targaryen; Rosaerys, Ellaria Sand." The small girl had a smile stretch over her face, before standing, her hands gripping Ellaria's arms before kissing both of her cheeks; Ellaria soon following suit. She seemed like a kind girl, so kind but Ellaria kept her guard up around her. 

She didn't trust her completely. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ellaria. I have heard many beautiful things about you." Her speech was infused with a mix of accents from the free cities, Tyroshi or Braavosi; Ellaria couldn't decide. 

"And you..." Ellaria left off, she hadn't heard anything but the whispers of the maids, yet she felt obliged to say the same.  The air was nothing but tension as Ellaria looked from Rosaerys to Oberyn and back again. 

"Oberyn may I speak to you?" It wasn't a question, more of a statementl yet she didn't wish to offend the woman now sipping on a fresh goblet of Dornish Red. 

Oberyn simply nodded, his body becoming tense under Ellaria's watchful eye. It was not unusual for Ellaria to shoot him that look, it usually being the repercussions of something Oberyn had done wrong. 

"Ellaria..." Oberyn didn't know where to follow on from that, simply giving her a melted look. 

"Don't Ellaria me, Oberyn Nymeros Martell! I have had enough of your shit!" Ellaria's voice wasn't quiet as she took her stance opposite him, looking into his eyes; her fury soon igniting, rivaling the Baratheons. 

Oberyn's hand snaked around her shoulder before pulling her further away from the table which the two were previously seated at. "Ellaria, please; it isn't what it seems." Oberyn could feel her rage beneath his fingertips, more so than what she expressed. 

"Isn't what it seemed? Oberyn, it seems as though you are smitten with that whore!" He sighed, turning his dark eyes towards her before fully looking at Ellaria, his Dornish beauty. Her face had barely changed since their time together, perhaps filling out a bit; her body still slender, yet her hips had widened from birthing him 4 of his 8 daughters; and her temper had only increased. He embraced her hand, letting his large paws envelop her dainty fingers. 

"Ellaria, please understand where I come from, where I stand; we need her, we need her alliances." She couldn't understand the lies that flew from his lips, her head shaking. 

"What alliances Oberyn? You are her first; she is using you!" 

"Silence Ellaria! She is a new Queen with thousands of Unsullied and Second Sons at her command; if she has done this in less than three years, what do you think she could do in another three years?" His question rang through the Dornish air, letting it hover before disappearing. 

"You are stupid, Oberyn; far too stupid." 

Oberyn observed Ellaria, the way she flung her body away, and stalked off; Obara soon following her, chucking a raised eyebrow to her father. How could she think so shallowly, so lowly of him? He was a smart man, using strategies which were seen in the halls of King's Landing. 

He turned back to the little Queen, seeing her stop her next bite of Lemon Cake, instead choosing to watch him. 

"Is everything alright, Oberyn? Is Ellaria okay?" 

"Ellaria is fine, Rosie; please enjoy your cake." Her cheeks flushed crimson, the idea of Oberyn seeing her stuff another cake in her face was a tad bit embarrassing; she had already had 5 before he left, let alone the next two she had washed down with Dornish Red. 

"Sorry; they are just so delicious; I can't seem to get enough. We don't have lemon cakes in Meereen." A chuckle left his lips as he pushed back her long hair, tucking it snugly against her air. 

"Do not worry about it, Rosie; there will be plenty more to come." Rosaery's felt the heat snake across her cheek, unconsciously leaning into his hand; her eyes closing. 

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