Chapter 21

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Criticisms and general comments are always welcomed, as are votes and comments (They make my day!). I know the direction of the story may seem strange, and you'll probably wonder why the characters are the way they are, I'll give you some reasons. 

a) I can't seem to capture the essence of Oberyn which is annoying because the series portrayed him in a memorable and lovable light that I wanted to reflect that in this.

b) Everything is happening for a reason here, I want to provide another view of the characters you may not have and everything is heading to where I want it to.

c)There will most likely be a sequel to this book and I don't know whether to split it into a trilogy or just two books; I'm leaning more towards a trilogy because of the ending I have planned.

Repeating the author's note from the last few chapters just to make it clear; also I want to point out the reason for the change is to show the progress of Rosaerys, I want this to mainly be Rosie's mentality and point of view. 

Thanks again!! 

Chapter 21

Rosie screamed, her back arching as the memory swirled through her mind; cursing her sleep. "No! No!" She screamed so harshly, her voice grew hoarse. Her fingers coiled tight against the duvet, her eyes not yet opening. "Not him!" Oberyn leapt from the bed, reaching out to touch his screaming wife. This was the first time he had seen this, the danger that clawed out of Rosie's body escaping the very fibre of her mind.

She wept silently, fingers turning to claws as her father's face slipping across her closed eyes; him smiling, laughing, crying, dying. They flickered like the flame that lit the room, taunting her in silent torment. Oberyn shook her lightly, his eyes fearful as her's fluttered open. The indigo was frozen in silent torture, the blue hues like ice that cut deep into the skin. Her breathing didn't still as the horror washed over her in waves; his death still so fresh in her mind.

She clutched out to Oberyn, his hand locking tight on his arms as she shook; his arms winding tight around her waist to ease the pain. Rosie buried her face tight into his neck, fat tears welling in the crevice. "Shh, shh." He whispered, rocking her in his arms sending more waves of tears into her system, the scene sounding so similar to what her father did to calm her. She crawled away, stumbling as she fell to the corner, the Unsullied having rushed in to see their Queen. Oberyn turned, eyes meeting theirs. "Get me some water and something soft to eat." He muttered, watching as they dashed away to fetch whatever their Queen needed.

Rosie tugged her knees to her chest, head shaking softly. It was like she had been there, seeing it all, reliving the past. Rhaegar, her beautiful father, lying dead in the water, rubies and blood mixing with the river staining it red. She could still feel every emotion that ran through the two of them, the hopelessness she had felt when she found out. He had promised her and he lied, he knew he had to die; he was being a martyr.

Anger snaked with the hopelessness, forming an ugly mess in its wake; Rosie shaking from the pain of it all. "Rosie, look at me." Oberyn asked softly, kneeling opposite his shaken wife. "You need to calm down, this isn't good for you or the baby." He muttered softly, pulling at the arms that had encased her face. They slipped away, his hand running soft circular movements over her hand before looking into her eyes.

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