Chapter 27

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First day of uni tomorrow, and instead of doing all the prep bits I wrote this chapter, so enjoy! Not gonna lie though, bricking myself for tomorrow. 

Rhaegar was not okay. 

Chapter 27

Oberyn always hated the duties of being a Prince, especially so since landing a spot on the small council. It was early, the sun only having just peeked over the long horizon, the rays casting hues of orange and yellow against the red brick of the Keep. He should still be in bed, his small yet heavily pregnant wife curled up into his side tracing lazy patterns into the finery of her skin. He didn't want to be in a stuffy room with people he didn't like, in a place he absolutely detested. Oberyn had, had his fill of that at Elia's Wedding. "These meetings aren't always going to be this early, are they? I was up late last night." Oberyn turned to Cersei who continued to pace the floor, over and over; her hands clasped and a look of thunder gracing her golden face.

The room kept silent. "So, does this mean I am a master of something now? Coins, ships?"

"Lord Tywin and I already determined that I shall be the Master of Ships long before you--" Mace muttered gruffly, angry at the new comer in the room. Oberyn barely contained his smirk as they waited on the growing footsteps to grace the room, Lord Tywin quick to enter as those around him stood. Oberyn remained seated, leg thrown over the side as he watched the Lord lazily. A discontented disgust rolled over his body at the sight; the man had ordered the murder of his sister and her children, and now he lust after Oberyn's own wife. "Lord Tywin, it's a great honor to have been granted a seat on this council. I--"

Tywin cut him off after sitting, the rest following suit. "The trial begins this afternoon. We only have the morning for affairs of state. Shall we begin?" Always so formal here; there was no wine to keep him occupied or fresh food to distract him.

Varys moved first, his eyes trailing over to Tywin. "Sandor Clegane has been spotted in the Riverlands, my lord." Clegane. The name uttered slammed through his mind at the rate of lightning. Another Clegane, the younger Clegane with the horrific scars. He was the not-so-beloved Hound of the Lannisters, a loyal follower due to his sworn house and a hater of his brother; Rosie could use him if the news was going where he thought.

"A coward and a traitor." Cersei muttered, having no tolerance on the news. Oberyn kept the smirk to secrecy as he noted the location once more. They'd need to take a trip to the Riverlands.

Varys switched his gaze from Tywin to Cersei, a look of almost disbelief on his face. "My birds tell me the Hound slaughtered five of our soldiers. I believe the phrase "fuck the King" was uttered."

"Disgraceful." Pycelle muttered, shaking his head.

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