Chapter 10

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Rosaerys would never admit the way that sex made her feel; with Oberyn's muscles coiled tight beneath her, her power over men seemed to increase, and in truth she relished in it. Every moan was another weakness to Oberyn, every jut of her hips was another wave of pleasure, and every playful, daring glance she sent his way was just another ounce of devotion.

Viserys had always reminded her that her sex was one of the most powerful things that she could hold, that letting a man fuck her would get her to the top. Despite all the stupid actions that he did, he was right.

Rosie had never expected that her wedding night would awaken something in her; a fire, or a passion, or something. It was just too good. Rosaerys slipped through the bedding, her naked breasts lightly concealed in the cotton, her hand securing it in placed.

Oberyn was softly breathing, his eyes closed, hair bewildered from her tight pulling. A ghost of a smile hovered at her lips before disappearing, her eyes casting their way to the rising sun. He lived up to his reputation, proving at times that the Viper had a soft side before biting with the edge of bladed teeth.

She bit her lip, her body standing from the bed, bedding soon slipping away. Rosaerys crossed to the window, hands reaching out to the windowsill. It had been a hot night, the ground cool meanwhile the solars were hot. Rosaerys disliked that, although she loved the heat, a part of her always remained faithful to the cold. It beckoned her, twisting its snake-like fingers around her body, calling her closer with every minute that passed by.

She had half a mind to run down the stairs this instant and go for a dip in the fountains. A voice called her back.

"My love, what are you doing?" It was Oberyn's, murky in the sleep that had invaded it. Her body turned, before smiling.

"Nothing, I was just thinking what a beautiful day it was today; perhaps a chance to go for a swim." He huffed, not at her words but the sleep that had consumed him, desperate to call him back like a lover.

"A swim sounds like a marvelous idea, perhaps after breakfast, yes?" She nodded in agreement before slumping back to the bed, her body being pulled up onto Oberyn's. "I am sorry for hurting you last night, I did not mean for it to go how it did; I was angry." Oberyn's eyes had clouded over, a storm battling on inside of them. His hand snaked up, cupping her face gently. It still held the warmth of a 1000 suns, tickling, licking, nipping at her skin. Rosaerys giggled.

How a man with such a vicious reputation touch with the lightness of a feather was beyond her. Oberyn truly was something else. A pale finger stretched out, gently rubbing its soft tip against his lip.

She wasn't mad at the fact Oberyn was angry, she wasn't even hurt. She felt reborn, like her senses had finally woken up again after so long; like she had burned through that fire and was yet unscathed.

She was a new person.

"It is alright love, stop worrying yourself. Listen, I think we should change our plans. I want to head to Vaes Dothrak first, before heading back to Meeren." Oberyn's eyebrow quipped.

"Vaes Dothrak, why?"

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