Chapter 2: Girls, Girls,Girls

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(A/N: *starts singing the song* *gets slapped for the wrong fandom*)

"That's a beautiful name, you're beautiful."

Fuck, that actually slipped through my mouth. I looked up to see her blush even more.

"Thank you, you guys are really sweet," her voice keeps making me fall for her.

"Hey Melissa, what are doing? You've been standing there for forever."

I'm guessing her other co-worker complained. She walked over to our table holding her circular tray in front of her.

"Hello, I can see my bestie Melissa has been chatting with you guys. Well I'm Tiffany and I allow you guys to date her only if-"

"That's enough Tiff," Melissa tried to cut her off.

"Would you ladies like to join us?"

Of course "Gentleman Joshua" stepped in with his "gentleman-like" figure.

"Sure!" I can tell straight away that Tiffany was the extra perky one out of the two.


After a while into conversations, we soon found out that both girls were auditioning to companies together. They seemed inseparable. Both were being really quirky and cute, but my eye has been on Melissa the entire time.

"Guys we have to go back to practice now," of course, Seungcheol was being his "bossy, leader" mode.

The group was finishing up their coffees and hot chocolate and walking over to the exit. Joshua was talking to Tiffany by a table, while Melissa was walking back to the counter.

I took this as a chance to talk to her.

"Hey Melissa, right? Today was fun getting to know you and Tiffany, I'd like to hang out with you again if you like?"
Nervousness was creeping up in my stomach just talking to her.

"Yea I had fun too. Sure we can hang out again." She had the best smile I've ever seen on her face right now.

"Great! Is it cool then if we can exchange numbers?"
Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes!!!

"Ok, here."

She took out a pen from her apron and took my hand. She started to write down her number. I was smiling like a freak. Once she finished, she smiled at my hand. She extended hers while giving me the pen. I wrote my number on her arm. I put a little heart at the end. I took her hand and placed a soft kiss on it, smiling back at her blushing I walked outside with the group.


My heart was skipping beats as I watched Jihoon walk out the shop.

"OMO!!! MELISSA GUESS WHAT!!!" Tiff was jumping up n down towards me.

I was still staring off as I watched Jihoon walk off with his group. He turns back a few times, maybe just to play with me. Let me say, it's working.

"HE ASKED ME OUT!!! MELISSA HE ACTUALLY ASKED ME OUT!!! Melissa?" I think I may have ruined her excitement.

I turned to face her as the boys were out of sight.


"What happened to you? You usually make fun of me when a guy asks me out." She seemed a little worried.

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