Chapter 4: Zombie Tag

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Then there was knock at the door.

Jihoon's eyes widen along with mine as we moved away from each other. Hoshi came in just as we separated.

"There you guys are, the group was wondering where you two went," he said causally and took a seat in a chair.

"Yea let's go," Jihoon agreed.

SoonYoung got back up and walked out the door. I started to follow him until Jihoon grabbed my hand.

"Will you go out with me?" he whispered into my ear.

It sent chills down my spine. I smiled.


"Awesome, how's next week looking for you?"

"Um... I'm free on Friday again."

"Great I'll pick you up at 6?"

"Sounds awesome."

He smiled. He took my hand and we started walking back to their practice room together. We let go once we got to the door. They were all sitting down on the floor.

"He guys join us! We were just about to play zombie tag," S.coups said waving towards us.

"How exactly do you play that?," I said taking a seat next to Tiffany.

Jihoon sat down next to me and Hoshi sat close behind.

"Well we choose the zombies, then we blindfold them. The zombies have to tag at least one member each in the time period given," S.coups explained and everyone started nodding their heads.

"K, I think we should have the two girls as the zombies," Seungkwan announced.

"Boy you're mean," Tiffany complained.

S.coups handed Joshua a blindfold as he started to blindfold Tiffany. She kept on whining and complaining.

I was laughing at her. I turned around to see Hoshi with a blindfold smirking.

"Do I have to?"

"Yea if you're gonna play."


I closed my eyes as he started to tie on the blindfold.

"K, how many fingers am I holding?"

"Umm.. I don't know because I can't see!"


I felt something press onto my head. Then I heard the other boys screaming.

"What's going on?!?" Tiffany and I asked in unison.

"Don't worry about it, did I forget to mention that the players who aren't the zombies gets to throw off the zombies?"

"What do you mean about tha-"

"Game start!"

Tiffany and I were hugging each other blindly. We heard the boys running around us, each of them poking our backs or smacking our heads.

"I DONT WANNA DIE TIFF!!!" I screamed.

"I DONT EITHER!!!" she screamed back.

"You guys gotta start moving if you want to stop the game." I honestly can't tell who's talking anymore.

"FINE!!!" Another unison speaking from us.

We bid farewell to each other and wish each other good luck as we started separating. I felt tons of pokings at my back. I also heard Tiffany's screams as she was being tortured too.

"AHHH HELP MELISSA!!! SOMEONE IS CARRYING ME!!!" Tiffany's ear piercing screams were heard through out the entire room.

I couldn't help but stop and laugh. Soon I felt like I've been picked up into a bridal position.

"What the fuck?," is all I said.

The guy laughed and I think he kissed my head and continued running around. I first smacked the person in the chest, receiving an "ow," then I removed my blindfolds. I just started laughing when I saw that Hoshi was the one who and still is carrying me.

"Yah what's so funny?," he questioned.

"You do realized you sacrificed yourself just to carry me?"

My laughter was carried throughout the room. Mingyu was the one who picked up Tiff in the first place. Hoshi placed me back down and tied the blindfold over his eyes now.

Mingyu and Hoshi were the zombies this round. Dino said he'll be in charge of the lights that round. Tiffany was holding onto Joshua's hand. I took a quick picture before the next game started. Everyone was running around while I was standing off in the corner watching them. Jihoon saw me and joined me.

"You know if you don't do anything, you're automatically the zombie next round right?"

Just after he finished Dino flicked the lights off.

"Oh really?"

"Yea," he replied.

The lights flicked on again.

Jihoon lead me around to get Hoshi. When he was trying to go after DK, I stabbed him in the side. Making him groan in pain.

"BWAHAHAHAHA!!!" I started laughing my head off. The DK, Jihoon and Minghao started laughing too.

Hoshi turned to face me and tried to run after me. I only sidestepped and stabbed him again. He fell to the floor holding his side.

"You're getting your ass kicked by a girl dude," DK said.

"Umm... Hoshi? Are you okay?," I asked.

I knelt down beside him. He looked like he was laughing. I gasped and fell back in time before he swung his arm at me. Jihoon grabbed hold of my arms and pulled me back away from a mad Hoshi.

Jihoon helped me up. We were standing face to face again. I was still laughing too hard to notice. He moved aside a piece of hair from my face. I looked in his direction. I found myself trapped in his eyes. Dino flicked the lights off again. I felt Jihoon move closer to me and him leaning in. I closed my eyes. Just when I felt his breath hit my lips, Dino flicked the lights back on. I shoved him away once I saw mingyu running towards us.

We all soon got tired and collapsed to the floor. We started just chatting about how fun that was.

"Hey guys it's getting a bit late, I think it's time for Tiffany and I to head home."

"No it's too late for you guys to drive home, how about you crash here? We have spare toothbrushes. We'll have a room for the both of you guys," Jeonghan suggested.

The rest of the boys were nodding their heads except for Seungkwan. I looked over to Tiffany who just shrugged.

"Okay. We'll spend the night."

(A/N: I hope u enjoyed reading this far! 😁 Don't forget to comment on what you think! And vote if you like it! K that's all bye!!!~)

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