Chapter 14: Fighting!!!~

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I jumped up. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I looked at the clock. It read 12. It was midnight and I'm having bad dreams that are waking me up.

I looked at Melissa, who was sound asleep. My expression softened at the sight of her peaceful form. I laid back down next to her. I faced her peaceful form. I wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer to me. I hugged her sleeping form.

"Jihoon~," she groaned quietly.

"What are you doing?," she asked.

Her eyes barely opened as she stared up at me.

"Nothing," I replied to her and pecked her forehead.

She laid her head against my chest and closed her eyes again. Her body snuggled up against mine as she soon fell deep asleep again.

I smiled lightly at her.

Please don't ever leave me. Jebal... Saranghae Melissa...

I drifted off to sleep after thinking a bit to myself.


"I just want you to be happy Oppa~," I cooed to a stressed out Jihoon.

"But I want you happy too," he faced me again and took my hands into his.

"I'm already happy that I got to be with you and be your first," I replied with a warm smile to him, even though my heart hurt like hell.

"Jagiya-," he panically said.

"Woozi hurry up!!!," his manger called out to him as he stuffed the other 12 boys into their van.

Jihoon looked back at me with worried and sad eyes. A tear slowly escaped his eye.

I quickly wiped it away and pulled Jihoon into a nice loving kiss. He pulled away. Tears seemed to fall a bit more quickly.

"I promise I'll never love anyone as much as I did for you," he told me sincerely.

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