Chapter 13: Visions

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"Like what?," he said.

"Um...nothing never mind what I said."

I tried to exit the room with my head low.

"Wait what?"

He grabbed onto my arm and spun me around to face him.

"Oh the thought sorta slipped out my head," I tried thinking of an excuse.

"Oh, ok then," he said as he followed me outside.

I hate these visions I've been getting lately.

Jihoon caught up with me and took my hand into his.

"Hey, how about we go on date today? I'm not doing anything," Jihoon broke he silence between us.

"Ok," I replied.

"Yay! I'm just gonna tell the others first."

We stopped at the door to the dorm. He released my hand and entered, leaving my outside. He came out a few minutes afterwards. His arm found its way around my waist as we exited the building.

"So, where do you wanna go?," he asked me.

"Can we go to the movies? There's a few of them I wanna see!," I smiled.

He chuckled at my expression,"Sure Jagiya."

He lead me to his car. Jihoon opened the door for me which I gladly jumped in. Closing the door behind me, he then walked over to the driver's side.

Jihoon stated driving as I stared out the window. He had one hand on the steering wheel and his other hand held one of my hands. My eyes soon felt heavy. I shut them for a bit and found myself asleep.



"Yes jagiya?"

"I don't think your fans like the fact we're dating."

"If you're talking about what my manger talked to us about, don't listen to him. I'm not giving up on you," he moved closer to me.

He brought my body as close to his as possible.

"I'm not giving up on us."

He stared deep into my eyes as he said that.

"I don't give a shit about the manger saying we have to break up," his index finger and thumb trapped my head from looking away from his stare.

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